Do you ever feel trapped? I do… Especially on days like
today. I feel trapped inside my body, like my weight is suffocating me & I
just can’t get away or see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Last night I had a dream, that I could do a really intense workout,
with no modifications, a heavy weight & that I could run faster than ever
before. It’s a hard reality to wake up to when you’re so sore you can hardly
get out of bed. During today’s workout I cried and cried. I couldn’t shrug off
the voices in my mind mocking me, saying I can’t do this.

I love the support I get from you guys, but sometimes I want
to quit. It’s scary to think about quitting, what kind of person that would
show that I am. This isn’t easy, I’m not an inspiration, I struggle just like
the rest of us. This past month has been the hardest in my life. Rich (another
trainer that is super awesome) reminded me that on days you don’t want to go,
you have to just do it. Even if you’re just going through the motions, at least
you’re trying. Hey, you’re lapping everybody still on the couch.
Through the midst of the tears, I came out of the workout
stronger than the day before & that’s all that counts.
A word of encouragement: We all know the kind of person we
want to be & we always have room for improvement… Think about the steps it
takes to become that person. Step by step, goal by goal, begin to work towards
being the best version of you.
Stay tuned for: "Why Women Should Lift Heavy Weights"
"Your struggles are only bigger than you when your thoughts convince you that you are incapable of overcoming them."
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