Other than the fact that I got in a fight with a ham machine, and the machine won!
I'll get em' next time! ;)
My momma & I were talking today about how all the bad things in life shape us into who we are today, making us beautiful. Today I got a bracelet in the mail from "Words to Sweat by." It says "Unbroken" Throughout the entire workout tonight, it reminded me of why I started. Every time I think about giving up, I think about why I started.
So today marks two weeks of CrossFit. Woohoo!
In honor of my teeny tiny milestone, I'll let you in on the few things...
7 Things That Happen When You Start CrossFit.. (7 because 5 is too little & I'm too lazy to do 10 ;)
1. You get addicted!
In the last two weeks, about 50% of my Google searches have had to do with CrossFit.
2. Your friends & family start researching it & giving you warnings.
3. You'll get crazy good at counting... This hasn't quite happened yet for me. Actually it's made me realize how bad I am at multiplication. Lol.
4. You'll gain weight at first. This one's been tough for me... I get so hung up on what the scale says. You have to stop looking at the scale and look at other indicators, like how your clothes fit!
5. You'll get more energy! Even when I'm dragging from CrossFit sore muscles, I have this new energy , I practically am bouncing off the walls.
6. You'll learn a lot about your mental weakness... Ya see, the WOD is posted online. I check it out like 3 times a day & often find myself thinking... Hmm... I just won't go today. I find myself giving myself an out.
7. You'll learn a lot about your mental strength... When you find yourself dripping in sweat, halfway through a workout... You'll realize how strong you are. When you finish the workout, you won't regret it.
Tonight's WOD really tested me. I wasn't completely satisfied with my own performance but it was still good. We did 5 rounds of the following.
Jumping Pull-Ups
A thruster is a front squat followed by a push press. (Don't worry I had to ask too ;)
I did all of it with a PBC pipe (is that what they're called?)
Anyway, I felt like such a wimp. Everyone else is a lot stronger than me... But that's ok, I still finished strong!
My jumping pull-ups are getting so much better... They're pretty easy now actually. Maybe one day I'll be able to do a real pull up after all, eh?
I'm off to workout with Doc... say a little prayer.
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