Monday, June 24, 2013

Baby Steps.

Everybody hates Mondays, right? Call me crazy but I actually love them!! It's a fresh, productive day. && I felt that way, until we got to doing the WOD.
But it wasn't all negative. We started off running to the 5th light pole, which in fit people speaking, that's nothing... but for me, it's a struggle. BUT I RAN THE WHOLE WAY. Slowly, like a turtle.
I'm sure there's some inspiring quote about turtles winning the race, but it's just not coming to me.
Anyway, it's still pretty embarrassing to have to be the person people wait for, but I actually am getting better & it's getting easier (:

Then came the WOD. I don't know what it is about overhead squats, but they really get to me. I have yet to make it through a workout with them without crying. That's the worst thing, crying during a workout... It makes me feel like such a baby, but this is all such an emotional challenge. Overhead squats are the most emotionally & physically challenging moves I've encountered in CrossFit thus far. If anything makes me feel like I can't do this, it's them.

The skill workout was pretty sweet though. I did 10 rounds of split jerks followed by 10 seconds of hanging on a bar. (Which I couldn't do last week!) Actually, I never ever growing up could go across monkey bars. So now it's one of my goals (:
SPLIT JERK: 125lbs

Speaking of goals... Ever since I started this thing, I've been working on writing accomplishment rewards for my weight loss goals! So here's what I got so far.

10 pounds - New pair of running shoes
20 pounds - Get a jawbone UP
30 pounds - Buy a new outfit!
40 pounds - Buy a new camera.
50 pounds - Sign up for a tennis league
60 pounds - Go to a Red Wings game.
70 pounds - Take ballroom dance lessons!
80 pounds - Get new cowgirl boots.
90 pounds - Get 3 new outfits.
100 pounds - Go to California to visit Cassie! 
125 pounds - Get a tattoo. 
150 pounds - Family cruise :)
175 pounds - Audition for Big Brother!

Stay tuned for updates on my 21 day nutrition challenge (:

Happy Monday! 

Monday's are 1/7th of your life, so make the best of them!

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