Sunday, October 27, 2013

Every Accomplishment Begins with a Decision to Try

I am Lizzy Cargile’s dad and the guest writer of this week’s blog. I made the commitment to write a while ago when she told me that her goal was to complete 100 WODs (Oh, yeah, I know what a WOD is! I have learned the Crossfit lingo these last 5 months since Lizzy began). To be totally honest, when I made this commitment I had my doubts I would ever really be writing it. 100 WODS is a steep mountain to climb!

I have to admit when Lizzy came home one day and said that she wanted to try a gym called Crossfit, I really didn’t pay too much attention at first.  You have to know her, she has new ideas and plans almost every week.   With that said, something was a little different this time.  First, she just dove in - signing up for a membership without even trying it out.  After the first WOD, I was seriously questioning what she had gotten herself into.  She came home - half dead - when she told me what they had done ;  I almost died!  From the beginning, Lizzy went to Crossfit almost daily.  Soon she started blogging about the experience.  As hard as it was on her physically, I saw her resolve and commitment to keep going grow stronger. Many days she would come home and say she couldn’t do it anymore but the next day she would be right back at it again. Every night her mom and I would get a 30 minute download (that is how I learned the lingo) on what the workout was , how Sean or Doc were encouraging her, how Phil or Rich or Jim just wouldn’t let her quit. It soon became evident that for Lizzy, Crossfit  was more than just a  workout, it was becoming a second family.

Fast forward to today, Lizzy has now completed 100 WOD’s.  She is even more committed than ever to improving her health and her performance through Crossfit.  Her new challenge, is trying to compete in area competitions, this is really stretching her out of her comfort zone. There are still day’s where she comes home and say’s she will quit or can’t go on.  The difference now, is that I KNOW she will be right back there again tomorrow.   

Friday, October 18, 2013

A "Real" CrossFitter

The thoughts of writing this blog started Tuesday when I was wearing a shirt from 2L2Q CrossFit in Montgomery, AL.

On the front it said "Forging Elite Fitness" and the back had a pretty sweet logo. Someone in my math class noticed and began asking a million questions about CrossFit that started with, you really do CrossFit?? I tried not to be offended by their disbelief. After all, all they know is what they see on the television when the CrossFit Games are airing. I'd be pretty skeptical too! It's no secret that I appear to be the dead opposite of Lindsey Valenzuela or Camille. (Only in my dreams am I anywhere as physically fit as them).

These girls, Rich Froning, and all the other amazing athletes are not the definition of CrossFit though. The CrossFit Games are simply a place where we take the time to celebrate the best of the best. Where these beasts give it their all to battle it out for the title of "Fittest on Earth." But here's the truth, anyone with motivation, a willingness to learn, and want a new challenge can do CrossFit.

CrossFit is the amazing athletes that you see on TV, but it's also average people like you and me.
For a long time I counted myself out as a "CrossFitter", I was simply someone who tried to do CrossFit. I didn't even wear CrossFit shirts in public because I didn't want people to associate CrossFit with someone as unfit as me, I didn't want people to see my box as anything but a place with crazy fit athletes, because we do have some.

But CrossFit is also my friend who got a 65 pound push press today.
It's the 67 year old grandpa who is working on muscle-ups.
It's the pregnant lady doing CrossFit for the first time.
It's the mom & dad & son & daughter who come together.
It's the soldier that fought for our country.
It's the lady with one arm that can do more than a lot of us.
It's the fat kid that just wants to be able to look at themselves in the mirror.
It's the football star that hasn't seen a glory day since high school.
It's the college student that gained the freshman 15.
It's your dentist or your lawyer.
It's your high school principal.
It's anyone who believes in becoming physical fit to live the healthiest life possible.

So yes, I consider myself a real crossfitter and so are all these other people. It's ordinary people coming together to do extraordinary things.

Friday, October 11, 2013

2 Packs & A Pill

Hey strangers! It's been awhile, I know. I've been totally bombed with anatomy, studying for my upcoming bone practical, getting ready for my precious puppy, & just being plain lazy. It's no excuse not to write, but I've been pretty discouraged lately as well.

CrossFit is amazing and it always will be. I'm still every bit as obsessed as when I started but I'm in a lot more pain. My knee might just need a break, but I continue to push through every workout that follows with fountains of tears. Often I forget that I can't push as hard as others, not because I don't want to but because I am still over 300 pounds. I feel like I'm hurt a lot, but the intensity of CrossFit is just so much on my joints. I refuse to let it get me down, but y'all, it's hard.

I've gained weight, not due to lack of exercise, but lack of discipline when it comes to my eating plan. I'm embarrassed to share that with you, but sometimes it's just necessary to let it out and be completely honest. Fast food is my downfall. I'm continuously driving from here to there and back again, that I swear I probably pass McDonalds 17 times a day & it's always calling my name. It's funny how people call me a beast, and now I work out a TON, but it's true, if you don't eat right nothing will change. I can't tell you how frustrating that is.

So I'm writing this with two ice packs on my knees, a gut full of Ibuprofen, and a mind full of frustration but I'm also writing this with an absolute resolve that I will change. Stay tuned for positive results.