Friday, January 31, 2014

5 On Friday - CrossFit Confessional

Hey Hey!!!

So happy to be writing for a second day in a row (: I knocked out sociology today, so I feel like I earned some down time! A.K.A, curling up in a ball & watching "Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs"

Something I'm even MORE excited about is linking up with Carolina Charm for another 5 on Friday!!

So today I thought it'd be fun (yet extremely embarrassing) to let you in on a few of my MOST embarrassing CrossFit moments...


The very first time I hit a BIG pr on my back squat.... I peed. A LOT. Let me tell you, it. was. awkward. Obviously my body confused which muscles were what, cause that exertion, whoowee... The good news was, I made the lift and hit #215!!! (Which at the time was a super big deal)
The even better news, I know I'm not alone... This video is pretty funny!!!


Some time in the summer I was joking around with Sean & Justin. I was running late so the group had taken off for their warm up run... I turned around and started running backwards so I could talk to them, & fell flat. on. my. butt. I was new to CrossFit, so this couldn't have been more embarrassing... I hurt my wrist, but what hurt even more, was my pride!


Yoga pants... There was a time that I definitely didn't realize how see through they are. I mean hello?? Has everyone seen my leopard print panties???


It's no secret that I can be a ditz... It was just last week that I unloaded a bar that had 275lbs on it... The smart person would unload the sides evenly, but me? Nope... I unloaded 120lbs off one side first. Which means the other side came crashing down, knocking over the racks, the weights, the rigs, everything.... It was loud, awkward, and so many eyes were on me!


At the CrossFit Christmas party I may have gotten slightly intoxicated (way more than slightly). The last thing I remember is publicly ranting about grandmas and breast reduction... Other than that, it was fun. #partyhard

Ever had anything crazy embarrassing happen to you??

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Never Underestimate A WOD.... NEVER.

Hey lovelys!

I know it's been over a week since my last post. I've been crazy busy with Criminal Justice papers, Sociology research, and about 3 hours of CrossFit a day. By the time I get home (around 11PM) I crash... Seriously. It's THAT bad.

Doc & I have been working... hardcore! Even adding one extra WOD a day, I've seen major improvements. More on that later...But if you haven't checked out my progress lately, CLICK HERE.
Two big accomplishments this week:
I completed "Karen" RX in 7:14 (which I've been told is crazy good)
&& I got a 295lbs back squat!! Couldn't be more psyched about that, 300 here I come!

So I'm sitting here at the box, waiting for Doc to come && I can't help but write about the WOD I just finished. Earlier today I sent a text that said "this is going to be the easiest WOD I've done all week..."

Oh the irony...

Ladies & gentlemen, never ever ever ever underestimate a WOD. It seems like those ones always turn out the worst. Take tonight for instance...

15 min AMRAP
20 Double Unders
15 American Kettle Bell Swings (53#)
10 Sit Ups
5 Ring Dips

If you're like me... You're thinking "piece of cake..." After all it's only 15 minutes of my entire life!!!

This WOD kicked my butt.
Like bent over, on the ground, half way through the 3rd round of kettle bell swings, ass kicking... I even let out a few cuss words... Which usually doesn't happen! Oops.

So after I recovered... It got me thinking, how did I underestimate that so badly?? I began to realize that you should never underestimate any WOD... because if you're working to your full potential, it shouldn't be easy. Does that make sense? If you're going as fast as you can, as hard as you can... The challenge is there. If it's too light? Lift heavier.

Short and sweet tonight guys, but that was just on my mind.

Work fast.
Work hard.
Lift Heavy.

For more of Justin's kick ass programming... CLICK HERE.

You'll be hearing more from me tomorrow (;
Keep warm, yall.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

"I'm Feeling So Exotic..."

"I'm feeling so exotic!
I'm hotter than the tropics!"

As I truly experienced Zumba for the first time ever this week, I confirmed what I've always been afraid of... I. Can't. Dance. You'd think that since my mom is a Zumba Gold instructor, I would have inherited a little of her rhythm!

There's really no comparison between CrossFit and Zumba, they are completely different ideas! I can definitely appreciate why people find it appealing though. Women of all ages (and one old man) got together to "shake their thang." It's an inviting atmosphere that makes you feel like no matter what shape or size, you're welcome to be there.

Perhaps for some people, it makes you feel sexy! Latin music just has that effect... Once you learn the dance moves, you do feel, "hotter than the tropics."

That's another thing I'd like to point out... To get a GOOD workout, you probably have to go at least 5 times because if you don't know the songs, you'll spend more time trying to keep up than moving. Not knocking on it, but it definitely takes some time to get "in the groove."

Other than that, I can definitely see why people would benefit from a class that is this uplifting.

For someone that just wants to get moving, it's a great option. Here's a few reasons why:

1. It burns a TON of calories because seriously, it's constant motion.
2. It makes you HAPPY. You can laugh at yourself or feel confident in your body.
3. It's a great stress reliever. (Seriously... Where was this class exam week?)
4. The time goes by FAST.
5. The instructors were great!

Those are just a few reasons why it's a fun, happy go lucky, workout.

Will I be going back?
Probably not... It's really not my kind of thing. Once I got hooked on CrossFit, I have very high expectations for a good workout.

One thing: If you are a Zumba queen (or king) make sure you're incorporating some weights and body toning. It'll make the progress go even faster!

What's up next?
Here's the thing y'all, I realized that "WOD Week" was a little ambitious considering I have school, work, and CrossFit. (And a low budget). So I've modified it to, "WOD-A-WEEK" so stay tuned for next Wednesday to see what this CrossFit girl tries next!

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Most people see me as the girl that just wants a healthier life. The girl that says "hey, no matter what physical activity you're doing, you're doing a good thing!" But I have a dirty secret... that's a lie. I'm so engulfed in CrossFit that I truly believe CrossFit is the BEST if not ONLY way to achieve the ultimate level of fitness. I'm convinced of that. Narrow minded? Sure. I think that is the only workout that will kick my ass every single day.

Stay with me here... Lately, as I've gained a ton more readers and have a wider audience, I'm getting messages from people doing all sorts of workout routines & I think that's great. But like I said, I don't know anything about that. But I'm willing to learn...

My mom challenged me to trying out other activities to see if they "kick my ass" the way CrossFit does. So this week is officially, WOD hopping week. Each day I'll go do a different kind of workout. I think CrossFit has me prepared for all of them... But who knows, maybe I'm wrong.


Anything else I should try? Shoot me a message so I can get in on it!
I'll keep y'all posted with how they're going (: I think we're in for a treat...

Take it easy, y'all.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Five on Friday! CrossFit, School, & Teeth!

Doing a pull up is one of my long term CrossFit goals. Honestly, it will take a LONG time before I can get there because it is so so weight dependent. But this week I reached a short term goal. I hung from a pull up bar for FIVE SECONDS. Considering that means I had to hold 320lbs up, I'd say that's quite the accomplishment!

Battle of London.
My friend Amy from Chemical City CrossFit qualified to compete in LONDON, ENGLAND and thats where she will be THIS weekend. She is a beast and I'm so proud of her. Hopefully we'll get her on the blog one day!!!

Well, it's official... "The Weigh" has reached 10,000 views. I can't even begin to explain how much that means to me. I've been overwhelmed with the support y'all give me. I get emails & messages all the time with questions and that makes me so happy! I hope that, "The Weigh" has provided you with motivation and encouragement because we ALL deserve to live a healthy lifestyle!

I'm taking a corrections class this semester & I absolutely love it! We learn all sorts of crazy stuff. This week we talked about the old Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia. This was back when they used solitary confinement for all inmates and when they came in and out of the prison, they would even put bags over their heads that way they never knew who else was there. Also, it prevented them grouping up after they were released. Ha, that would never fly today...

Besides the pain, I'm not gonna lie,
I love my teeth, they're gorgeous.
Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm a cry baby. But forreal y'all, my tooth HURTS. Thank goodness Doc is a dentist and he's got an awesome staff if it comes to that.... But I think I'll avoid that at ALL costs. #dentiststruggs

I hope y'all have an AMAZING weekend! Look for another post soon && maybe something special (:

Linking up with:

Thursday, January 16, 2014


If you are a member of the CrossFit community you have probably heard about the tragedy that occurred at the Orange County Throwdown. Kevin Ogar, a top CrossFit competitor, suffered a serious spinal cord injury after failing a snatch. What makes this accident even more upsetting is the fact that he doesn't have health insurance. At this time he has no movement below his waist and has a long road before him.

Sometimes it's the worst times that bring a community together. Although none of us locally are directly affected by this tragedy, it has really made me think about the gift that you find in the CrossFit community. In the last 4 days, over $200,000 have been raised to help offset the cost of his medical care. World wide, CrossFitters are family and we take care of each other.

If you want to donate to the cause, CLICK HERE. They also have t-shirts for sale, where 100% of funds go to Kevin.

If you want to honor Kevin in another way, CrossFitters around the country are participating in the Ogar WOD which is as follows:

14min AMRAP
3 Snatches (135/95)
1 Muscle Up
12 Wallballs (20/16)

On a smaller scale, we get to experience the CrossFit community every day. If someone is sore or struggling behind, there's a teammate to pick you up. If you're working as a team, there's someone to help pull your weight if needed.

When you participate in any sport, especially one as intense as CrossFit, you're going to get bumps, bruises, & especially "rips" or tears. CrossFitters are notorious for their ripped hands and even worse, scars from missed box jumps.

The other day I saw a picture on my friend Vanessa's timeline that in my opinion, really illustrates the CrossFit community. You see them surrounding their injured teammate, bandaging up her leg after a missed box jump.

CrossFitters not only take care of each other when it comes to injuries, but in every day gestures as well. Whether it's bringing each other coffee after a long day or being the designated driver after long night, we have each other's back. CrossFit is a community like none other. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Little Things In Life

We live in a time of instant gratification. Everything is literally a click away. This lifestyle even pours over into the CrossFit community. We want results NOW. We want to lose weight now. To snatch more NOW. It's hard to step back and say WOW, I have gotten better....
When I joined CrossFit not too long ago, I had PLENTY of room for improvement. I'd go into the gym each day & get noticeably better. I could almost expect to PR each week & I became addicted to that feeling. By the end of summer I had reached many of my initial goals, everything else was weight dependent. So what now? Keep losing weight... That is really my ONLY goal. But honestly, that's not enough to keep life interesting so lately, I've learned to appreciate the little things.

These Auburn shorts that I put in my "Don't wear until you've lost 50 pounds" box. I had been digging through it because even though I've only lost 30 pounds, my figure has changed a lot. AND THEY FIT.

My sweet puppy Lucy who JUST showed me that she can shake. After over a month of trying & trying & trying to teach her, she finally did it! Now she won't stop & when she's in trouble, she just sticks that paw out & my heart melts.

Knee high socks... After 6 months of hard work, I can FINALLY wear knee high socks & this may be one of my favorite milestones thus far.

The amazing programming that our head coach Justin does... Seriously though, he comes up with some sick stuff that always manages to push me beyond limits. You can check out some of his programming by clicking below.

Rest days.... I could have written a whole blog on this because I used to HATE them. Now on the other hand, they are a significant part of my training. No CrossFit on Tuesdays is a rule for me because recovery, although seemingly small, is a HUGE part of living a healthy lifestyle.

I know it's short & to the point this week, but my challenge for you is to look around in your life and appreciate the little bitty things!!! 
Happy Saturday <3

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Size Matters

Thanks for all the positive feedback on my recent posts! It really means a lot!  However, I have something on my mind and just feel the need to get it off my chest:)  So I am writing a more personal post regarding a very personal issue..... size.

I grew up assuming that I would "thin out" and then later being told, "All that matters is what's on the inside." My friends assured me that "the right guy will come along and love me for me, not for how I looked."  The list goes on & on of why I should be comfortable in my own skin, with my size.

But the truth is, size does matter.
It matters when getting a job.
It matters when I go shopping.
It matters when I try to learn new lifts.
It matters when I make new friends.
It matters to me.

I read an article recently about an angry man that wrote a nasty letter to an airline in the UK. His complaint was that he had to sit by an obese person for his flight. He filled the letter with hateful things saying that fat people should have to buy 2 seats, etc. I'm not saying that that's not the solution to the problem... Unfortunately eventually there will have to be special accommodations. But yet, it still makes my heart hurt. I think back on the last time I flew. Was the person next to me uncomfortable?

Photo Credit:
When I sit in a packed movie theater do people roll their eyes & think "great, I have to sit by the fat lady."

Probably... But what really makes things hard is, that even when I'm working THIS hard to lose weight, stuff like that still is going on.

Even though I'm in the gym 2-3 hours a day and eating less than 1500 calories it doesn't change the fact that people are making assumptions. Assumptions that I am a failure, that I don't care about my health, that I am lazy, that I don't take care of myself.

And that hurts....

I am reminded at least 50 times a day of my weight, sometimes verbally, most times not. I am reminded by coworkers, friends, family members... With phrases like "Should you be eating that?" "That lift will be easier when you lose weight." "Have you gotten your steps in?" or to myself, saying, "I wish that shirt fit." "I can't bend over and get that at work."

One frustration that I have is the assumption that overweight people stuff their faces all day long with fast food and sweets. But the truth is, most people that struggle with their weight eat 3 meals just like the rest of the world. Sure, there are exceptions, and portion size control is an issue but it's not like we're often depicted in movies. When you go to McDonalds, there are just as many thin people as those overweight. But it's the fat ones given the label "disgusting."

We live in a world where opinions will always be attached to size. I'm asking you, my friends, to think before making an assumption and I will try to do the same.

Size matters. And mine is changing.