Thursday, June 13, 2013

CrossFit: Do or Die

So I'm writing twice today... If that seems like overkill, you're probably right!

The WOD today was so much fun, & frankly, from a personal standpoint, I kicked ass.
Aside from the fact that overhead squats practically force you to smell your own armpits for a good 15 minutes. *not pleasant*

I wasn't pleased with my workout this morning so I decided to go back for another round this afternoon. I'm so happy I did & I can go into the weekend knowing that I worked hard. There's nothing worse than feeling like you didn't give it your all, & I wanted to leave it all on the table.

The proudest part of my workout was the fact that I did 4 rounds of 200m runs without stopping! Woohoo! That's another CrossFit first for me (: This morning I did a lot of walking & I had scaled the distance. So I did significantly better tonight.

It's funny because at some point I said something to Sean about how running sucks because I can't breathe.. He responded with, "Don't worry, it will get better." & for the first time, I believed it.
So folks, I know getting started really sucks. It's hard work. But it does get better.

To top off an awesome workout, we got to do some pretty fun skill work. We did 10 minutes of deck squats & pushing this sled thingamajig. (I felt like I was in some intense football movie :p)

The deck squats were less than enjoyable... I almost hate them as much as cutting lettuce at work. (& if ANYONE has heard me rant about that, you know how I feel about it!)

So I was pretty psyched about the workout. I'm falling in love with CrossFit, that's no secret. Unfortunately at the end I was pretty let down by some comments about whether or not I was doing too much... I'm a "go big or go home" kind of girl & this is more than a hobby to me. It's kind of do or die, literally. I'm morbidly obese & headed down a path that leads to nowhere but health problems.

If working out as much as possible leads to...
- Looking drop dead gorgeous on my wedding day
- Being able to walk up stairs without being out of breath
- Having self confidence
- Not being afraid to go on an airplane
- Getting to buy cute clothes
- Living a long, healthy life

Then count me in... Let's do this.