Thankfully we always have bandaids (& skin heals), Fedex let me pick up my shoes, and I had the day off! But then I got to CrossFit about 30min early & checked my email in the car. It showed that I'd been accepted into a class I was waitlisted for! (woohoo!) But that meant I had to drive ALL the way to Delta, pay for the class (because it starts tomorrow), & get back to CrossFit. That wasn't gonna happen! So I settled on going to the beginners class at 7. Sometimes I wish I could always go to the beginners class. But mother of all that is good, tonight's WOD was so hard.
It was 12:00 minutes AMRAP of:
wall balls
slam balls

Then we pushed the sled thingamabob. THAT was sooo hard. I didn't even make it to the end before I was booking it to the bathroom to throw up.
There were a few advantages to working out with guys though... It forced me to use the 20 pound ball which really made me give it my all. Wall balls are hard enough but this made them 10 times harder.
Tonight when I had to leave CrossFit to go take care of business at Delta, I really didn't want to go back. I almost just skipped today, & for me... that says a lot because I hate to miss. So I know how hard it can be. I know it's hard to get out of bed. It takes a lot of will power to put on your sneakers and go for a run or lift weights or make it to class. Eating well is a decision & being active is a lifestyle. But physical activity will boost your energy and make you more productive. Exercising will reduce your stress. Being active will make you stronger, healthier, and happier. If you sit & complain about your weight, you won't go very far. So get off your butt & get moving! Conquer resistance! Resist temptation! If it were easy we would all be in amazing shape. Being in good shape takes effort & dedication. Make it a routine! Remember the effort you make is equal to the results you end up with. Put in the work & don't make excuses. The end.
Awesome post! Your mental strength keeps growing. Dad