Monday, July 29, 2013

Community & Stuff

Yesterday I went to a viewing party for the CrossFit games. Watching the best of the best on TV was consuming to the point I had no idea what was actually going on at the party. I loved it, the huge crowd cheering them on, people pushing their limits and exceeding every expectation I had for the CrossFit games; it was just amazing.

I haven't written in a week or so, but I've been doing lots of thinking about this whole CrossFit thing...

I write about it.
I think about it.
I dream about it.
I google it.
I watch videos about it.

CrossFit has seriously consumed my life and I can't imagine my days without it. But why's it so important to me? What's the big freaking deal? 

Probably for me, it's because I've completely immersed myself into it. I wholeheartedly believe that it works. I guess you can say I've drank the CrossFit koolaid. 

CrossFit is an experience and it's impossible to explain. You have to find out for yourself. If you want the best results, you have to buy into it. 

CrossFit is seriously a community and I feel like I've been invited in with open arms. The people there don't just work out together, they are friends, a family. 

What's it take being part of the CrossFit community? 

It takes the willingness to show up & do work. It takes the mental strength to do WODs no matter how crazy they are. 

You have to encourage others. People's encouragement did so much for me. There are so many times that I felt like I was done, that I didn't have anymore gas to keep going during a WOD. But then somebody cheered me on and it gave me that extra fuel. You can be that fuel for someone else.

Whether you're just lifting the barbell or you are lifting RX. Everyone is equally important, equally cheered on, & it's just as an accomplishment.

You have to be willing to learn. We have coaches for a reason. They know the form. They are certified. They are experienced. Just pay attention.

You have to be a role model. From day one I've looked to more experienced CrossFitters. I've analyzed their form. I've tried to keep up with them. I've tried to beat their PR's. When new members come in I'm fully aware that they look to us. So be your best.

It takes more than coming & going. It takes commitment

I may not be the best at CrossFit. I may not be able to compete in competitions. But I absolutely love it, and anyone else who is committed will tell you the same. It has changed my life. I'm going to get fit. To change my future. To compete against myself everyday. To feel strong. To push myself and strive for improvement. To celebrate those accomplishments with my community. 

So since it's been a week, I thought I'd update you on some things....

The amount of weight I lost: 3 pounds

The amount of weight I've lost total: 16 pounds

The amount of meters I've rowed: 8,700 meters

The total weight I carried doing the stupid farmer walk: 80 pounds

The amount of assisted pull-ups I did: 17

How I feel about said pull-ups...

The amount of beer we showed up with at the CrossFit party: 63 bottles

The number of secrets I found out about people I didn't really need to know after said beers: 8

It's been quite a week. Overall good. Super busy. The Games were awesome to watch. Have a great, great, great week (:

1 comment:

  1. Love the additional visuals on the blog! Keep it going.
