Every day I'm looking for new ideas for cardio, so if you guys have any I'd love to hear!
I was pretty dead after all that swimming, but as always, I sucked it up & went to CrossFit (after all, tomorrow is weigh in day!)
Rich coached the class I went to tonight. I've gotten to talk to him quite a bit but this is the first of his classes that I've actually attended. Can you say awesome coach?? Because that's what he is! He's spot on with explaining how to do things & gives you great motivation when you need it. I know he's definitely the guy to go to when I want to step it up & try to do pull-ups & handstands. (that may not be in my near future though.) lol. I've always admired him in workouts though because he's so dedicated to his own fitness which is a great motivator.
Tonights WOD was as follows:
1 mile run (I did rowing)
50 Wall balls
40 handstand pushups (I did regular)
30 pull-ups
20 box jumps
10 muscle-ups (I did ring rows)

Since I'm getting ready for weigh-ins, I decided to stay after & row. SO today I rowed a total of 10,625 meters. WOOHOO. My legs are dead, my arms are shot, & my hands are calloused like never before, but it was soooo worth it. (&& when I lose 4 pounds tomorrow, it'll be even more worth it).
So I ain't gonna lie, tonight I was a beast.
What a beast you were today! Be proud of yourself no matter what the scales say, I sure am proud of you! Love you ,your Dad