45:00 AMRAP
5 Deadlift
5 Squat Clean
5 Front Squat
5 Push Jerk
5 Back Squat
To say the least, I was more nervous than a potato chip on Super Bowl Sunday. (ok, that one was kind of lame) But I showed up, like I always do, to the 6PM class that Mary was coaching. Before I go any further, let me mention that she plays the best music, by far. Unfortunately I haven't shaken the mid-workout tears but her music definitely helped me through. When times get tough, I cry, whether I mean to or not. They just start streaming down my face. It's not that I'm in pain or I want to give up, sometimes I just feel like I'm not going to make it, like losing 150 pounds is just too much.

Second.... SWIMMING. Swimming is a great workout for overweight people. It's easy on your joints and it's a full body workout. I have always disliked swimming though. Ever since I had a bad fall off an tube in 5th grade where I seriously thought I was going to drown, I have had serious opposition to the water. But they keep telling me it's good for me. Yesterday, Doc surprised me with a swimming WOD. I did the doggy paddle, or in my case, more like the drowning cat paddle. But I managed, with no complaints. (Almost no complaints). I mean seriously, I'm probably not going to die in a 5 foot deep pool, but I feel like I'm in Finding Nemo repeatedly reminding myself, "Just Keep Swimming."
Tomorrow, I'm having a swimming lesson with Sean. The idea of this is pretty intimidating since he's a national champion swimmer, but I guess that just means I'm in good hands. As you can see, I'm not 100% thrilled about this swimming thing, but if that's the "next level" my workout needs, I'm all in.
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