Thursday, January 16, 2014


If you are a member of the CrossFit community you have probably heard about the tragedy that occurred at the Orange County Throwdown. Kevin Ogar, a top CrossFit competitor, suffered a serious spinal cord injury after failing a snatch. What makes this accident even more upsetting is the fact that he doesn't have health insurance. At this time he has no movement below his waist and has a long road before him.

Sometimes it's the worst times that bring a community together. Although none of us locally are directly affected by this tragedy, it has really made me think about the gift that you find in the CrossFit community. In the last 4 days, over $200,000 have been raised to help offset the cost of his medical care. World wide, CrossFitters are family and we take care of each other.

If you want to donate to the cause, CLICK HERE. They also have t-shirts for sale, where 100% of funds go to Kevin.

If you want to honor Kevin in another way, CrossFitters around the country are participating in the Ogar WOD which is as follows:

14min AMRAP
3 Snatches (135/95)
1 Muscle Up
12 Wallballs (20/16)

On a smaller scale, we get to experience the CrossFit community every day. If someone is sore or struggling behind, there's a teammate to pick you up. If you're working as a team, there's someone to help pull your weight if needed.

When you participate in any sport, especially one as intense as CrossFit, you're going to get bumps, bruises, & especially "rips" or tears. CrossFitters are notorious for their ripped hands and even worse, scars from missed box jumps.

The other day I saw a picture on my friend Vanessa's timeline that in my opinion, really illustrates the CrossFit community. You see them surrounding their injured teammate, bandaging up her leg after a missed box jump.

CrossFitters not only take care of each other when it comes to injuries, but in every day gestures as well. Whether it's bringing each other coffee after a long day or being the designated driver after long night, we have each other's back. CrossFit is a community like none other. 

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