Okay, Okay, Okay. This is something I've wanted to do for a long time after seeing it on my friends blog, Eat. Pray. WOD!! (Check her out!) I go on and on about how much I love the CrossFit community so I thought it'd be cool to share profiles of athletes that inspire me. This girl is PERFECT to kick off a new tradition.
I met Vanessa Frost in Spain when we were in an all Spanish speaking school! So you could say it was natural for us English speaking kids to stick together. Fast forward 10 years, I found her on Facebook and was always envious of her bad ass CrossFit pictures! It's such a cool feeling to have CrossFit family all over the country.

Name: Vanessa M. Frost
Hometown: Rota, Spain, but for now it’s Carbondale, IL.
Age: 22
Occupation: Student, Graduate Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach at SIU, Coach/Office Manager at Crossfit So Ill
Back Squat: 283lbs
Deadlift: 335lbs
Clean& Jerk: 213lbs
Snatch: 143lbs
Describe your sports and fitness background: I was always active in high school, playing multiple sports. When that was over, I got into weightlifting, which was really bodybuilding. I regularly get bored, so I was always looking for something new. I then got into running. I had just finished running the Chicago marathon in October 2010 and was looking for a new challenge. In my town, I always saw people running up and down the town’s main strip in sports bras, shorts and tall socks. At the time, I thought these people were insane. I decided I would try it out and see what this “crossfit” stuff was. I was hooked. I loved it. I fell in love, particularly with lifting. I discovered I was pretty strong and thought that was amazing. I decided after a while, I wanted to learn more. I got my CFL1 cert in March 2011 and began teaching classes. I then interned with my school strength and conditioning program in Dec 2012, and eventually was fortunate enough to be working here now.
What was your first WOD like? I honestly don’t remember what it was, but I do remember thrusters. I remember thinking I was in shape... I mean, I just ran a marathon and that’s the ultimate measure of fitness, right? WRONG. I remember getting my a** kicked, but feeling extremely empowered afterwards. Like ‘oh my goodness, that was ridiculous’ but then thought ‘oh my goodness that was awesome’. I haven’t looked back.
Favorite WOD: Grace – 30 C&J at 95Lbs for time. Last time I tried it, I got 2:19 in January 2013; I think it may be time to try her again ;)
Least Favorite WOD: Badger, or anything else that involves pullups and running.
What's your favorite lift and why?: I love cleaning! Squat cleaning, power cleaning, muscle cleaning, you name it. I think this is the most natural of the Olympic lifts for me, which is why it became my favorite. I love that, even after the initial explosive movement, there is a chance of possibly missing your rep when you try to front squat it up. There is not better feeling than standing up the front squat of a heavy squat clean! Once someone learns to clean properly, expect them to pick up a whole lot of weight, which is freaking amazing!
Do you eat Paleo or follow a certain nutrition plan?
I recently got done with the Lurong Paleo Challenge, and I can tell you that strict paleo is not for me. I do however eat clean for the most part. I do my best to not eat anything out of a package that sits on a shelf. My general rule is: It it had a face or grew out of the ground, you’re probably good. However, I do not eat gluten (even though wheat grew out of the ground) or most dairy products (though it came from something that had a face). I do like (real) butter though, fat is good :) I’ve recently started eating a lot more fat and usable carbs like sweet potatoes and squashes, which have really made a difference in my workouts. I try to do a lot of research to see what I can do in terms of proper fueling for my training, but it is all a learning process. Trial and error :)
What sort of changes have you seen in your body since starting CrossFit (before and after): I’ve gotten bigger, and I don’t mean this is a bad way. I just mean that I have gained mass. Turns out, when you lift instead of run for a million miles, that is when you start developing that booty you’ve always wanted, those legs that will no longer fit into your favorite pair of jeans, or those lats that may cause you to by new tank tops. When I began crossfit, I was roughly 155lbs, but now weigh around 195lbs. Granted, I could probably decrease my fat percentage, which is something I’m working on. If crossfit and weight lifting has taught me anything, it is that it is not about the size of the clothes or the number on the scale, but it’s what you can do and how you feel. No, I no longer can fit into a size 6, but I can deadlift over 300lbs and put 200lbs over my head. My big legs and strong back let me do these things, and I would not trade them for anything!
What was your proudest crossfit moment & what keeps you motivated?
Gosh, honestly, there are too many to just pick one… as cliché as that sounds. I remember my first kipping pull-up and the first time I did Annie with double unders. I could list off a bunch of times where I’ve been proud of my personal growth, but honestly, the majority of my proud moments are not really mine. They belong to the members of Crossfit SO ILL. As a coach and member, I get so excited to see members of the box succeed. If you are new to crossift, the community aspect can sometimes be intimidating. It may even come across as a little clique-ish; however, it is not. It is welcoming and your accomplishments get shared with everyone! I remember when I ran with my friend Vivian for her first 5K, seeing my friend Sam get her first kipping pull-up, watching Kristin King beat world competitors in Diane, watching Kyle and Evan finish Cindy (Evan did strict pull-ups!), watching Hari get his first muscle up, and Elaine (59yo) front-squatting 133lbs! Even though none of these moments are mine, when I think of proud/amazing moments in the gym, I think of these and many more. The people of CFSI are amazing and ridiculously inspiring. They are what keep me motivated and proud to be a CFSI member.
Any advice for people just getting started with CrossFit?
Do your homework, find a gym that not only knows what they’re doing, but also can cater to what you need. Keep going, even when you’re sore. The first couple weeks are the hardest to stay consistent, but you’ll become addicted :) For when you do become addicted, REST! 1 or 2 rest days a week are important for your body to recover from the training you’ve been doing. Lift heavy, go hard. Never sacrifice form for reps.. LEARN movements, build STRENGTH, then worry about scores.
It's safe to say Vanessa is a beast!!! Thanks to her for letting me ask her a million questions! Who will the next the next athlete be? Check back & see! (:
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