Thursday, January 30, 2014

Never Underestimate A WOD.... NEVER.

Hey lovelys!

I know it's been over a week since my last post. I've been crazy busy with Criminal Justice papers, Sociology research, and about 3 hours of CrossFit a day. By the time I get home (around 11PM) I crash... Seriously. It's THAT bad.

Doc & I have been working... hardcore! Even adding one extra WOD a day, I've seen major improvements. More on that later...But if you haven't checked out my progress lately, CLICK HERE.
Two big accomplishments this week:
I completed "Karen" RX in 7:14 (which I've been told is crazy good)
&& I got a 295lbs back squat!! Couldn't be more psyched about that, 300 here I come!

So I'm sitting here at the box, waiting for Doc to come && I can't help but write about the WOD I just finished. Earlier today I sent a text that said "this is going to be the easiest WOD I've done all week..."

Oh the irony...

Ladies & gentlemen, never ever ever ever underestimate a WOD. It seems like those ones always turn out the worst. Take tonight for instance...

15 min AMRAP
20 Double Unders
15 American Kettle Bell Swings (53#)
10 Sit Ups
5 Ring Dips

If you're like me... You're thinking "piece of cake..." After all it's only 15 minutes of my entire life!!!

This WOD kicked my butt.
Like bent over, on the ground, half way through the 3rd round of kettle bell swings, ass kicking... I even let out a few cuss words... Which usually doesn't happen! Oops.

So after I recovered... It got me thinking, how did I underestimate that so badly?? I began to realize that you should never underestimate any WOD... because if you're working to your full potential, it shouldn't be easy. Does that make sense? If you're going as fast as you can, as hard as you can... The challenge is there. If it's too light? Lift heavier.

Short and sweet tonight guys, but that was just on my mind.

Work fast.
Work hard.
Lift Heavy.

For more of Justin's kick ass programming... CLICK HERE.

You'll be hearing more from me tomorrow (;
Keep warm, yall.


  1. A 295 pound back squat is crazy good! That's amazing! Haha I always hate those tricky WODs that look so easy and then end up killing you! You CrossFit 3 hours a day?? You should write about that! I wanna hear about it! :)

    1. Thanks girl!!! It goes to show that hard work pays off because I was nowhere close to that when I started! I'll be writing about those long WODs soon! When I have proof to show (:
