In the recent years of my young adult life, I have realized that in everything you do there are three different kinds of people. There are the people that are extremely positive, the people that are constantly negative, and the people that, frankly, just don't care. I'm sure you can think of people that fit into each of those categories. I know that I can, and if I'm honest, I have been each of those. Maybe you see them at work, school, church, or on your sports team. Well, the same thing is true here at Live in Fitness.
I am no where near perfect, but I pride myself in always trying to find the positive in people and in this program. Sure, it's not always perfect, but there is always good.
Living in a little bubble, sometimes it's difficult to always be positive. Last week, we had a mandatory lecture during our lunch break. The first thing I heard afterward was a group of ladies complaining about having to go in the first place. It is irritating to me because I feel like everything they do here has reason behind it. The decisions the coaches make are to benefit us. So why complain about it? I simply told the ladies that I thought it was great and they should make more lectures mandatory because the emotional side of the journey is equally as important as the physical side. They just got quiet...
A different day there was one lady that had her panties in a bunch because we did PVC pipe stretching instead of foam rolling and that's not what the schedule said... OK, if something like that can ruin your day, there's a bigger problem!
Here's the one that drives me the most crazy! When we're in a class and all I hear is someone saying, "I can't do this!" or "I can't do that!" I'm guilty of this from time to time, but you won't see progress if you don't put yourself out of your comfort zone!
Anyway, like I said... There are always going to be people in your life that look for the brown leaf in the lettuce.
Lately, I've been overwhelmed with the amount of people here. Some days, it seems like I can never find alone time. But a couple days ago, I decided to look at the positive and think about the amount of people trying to change their life through Live In Fitness. That is so exciting!
For me, just sticking around a positive group of friends has helped me a lot. When you are around positivity, you will stay happy!
I also started keeping a list of what I'm grateful for. When I catch myself complaining about something, I think of three things I'm thankful for!
Lastly, I actively look for solutions. Sometimes there aren't any but a lot of times it just takes retraining your mind to see the positive!
Stay positive, friends.
- E
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