Friday, February 6, 2015

5 Weightloss Tips From ME!

Hey everyone!

I have been so encouraged by the amount of support I’ve gotten from each and every one of you. The Weigh has reached a whole new level during this journey and has gained an entire new audience. I love it! I hope y’all have been inspired by my story. I have felt your comfort during my lows and your celebrations during my highs! But the journey has only begun.

Over the last few weeks I have gotten emails from some of you on your own journey. I’m so proud of those of you who have taken time in their lives to better yourselves and become a healthier you! Y’all have asked for “tips and secrets” and I’ve put a lot of thought into how I want to answer you all.

Firstly, I am nowhere near an expert on all of this. In fact, I’m in the same boat (or worse) as most of you! But I am taking in as much info as I can and I will try to help in every way possible! I’m also going to try to get one of my coaches to do a guest post with some workout tips. No promises, but I’ll see what I can do!

However, when you work out 6 days a week, 6 hours a day, with some of the best coaches around, you pick up a few things! So this is what I’ll leave you with:

Here at Live In Fitness, we start every day and end every day with a 20-30min stretch. Honestly, I don't know where I’d be without it. The importance in stretching is really to prevent injury, but no matter where you are in your fitness journey, being mobile is so important! As a competitive weightlifter, stretching has always been a part of my routine, but some days I neglected to do it. Learn it’s importance and put it to practice!

#2 – Don't do it alone!
OK, I know what you’re thinking. “How do I find people to workout with? My friends are already in shape. I don’t know anyone at my gym.” Or even worse, “I’m too embarrassed to go to the gym!”
I get that. I get all of that. After highschool when I gained so much of my weight, I was embarrassed to try new things. But I knew I had to change, so I just jumped in. You all know the rest… CrossFit. There are things I love about it and areas I don't agree with, but the community is undeniably the best out there. If you need a support system, it’s there waiting for you. If you don't want to try CrossFit, find a trainer. My coaches here believe in me on the days I don't even believe in myself. Sure, you can try it alone, but you don't need to!

#3 – Switch it up!

So you like to run? That’s cool… But what else do you do? I’m a firm believer in constantly changing up my routine. When I arrived at Live In Fitness, I used the elliptical every single day, and it kicked my ass! 5 weeks later, I’m kind of a pro! So I switched over to the stair master and even sometimes the treadmill. If you are a member at a gym that has classes, try something new! Water aerobics? Zumba? They’re all great!

#4 - Working out doesn't matter if you're not eating right.
I feel like I'll devote an entire post to nutrition and what we do here at Live In Fitness. But I want to throw it out there that the way you eat is so flipping important. Yes, you heard that right. Me, the girl that used to eat fast food every single day is starting to believe it. I know finding the "right diet" can be overwhelming, but if I can pass on one tip that I've learned, it's to just eat clean. Eliminate cokes and pops from your day, don't buy any fast food, and don't eat anything that comes out of a box. I can hear you all now... "It's easier said than done." Believe me, I know. Which brings me to my next tip....

#5 - Find out WHY you eat.
Most people don't only eat when they're hungry. They eat when they are bored, sad, socializing, etc. If its something you can control on your own, make a mental note and when you go for that bag of chips, ask yourself if you're truly hungry. For me it was much more emotional than that. For me fast food was my boyfriend. It comforted me when I was sad and made me happy every other day. It was about my self image, and self care. If you have a food addiction or are emotionally attached to food, talk to someone about it. Journal about it. Get help! It's not embarrassing, it's moving forward. 

You get what you put into it. 

"Success isn't owned. It's leased. And rent is due every day."

- E

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