Saturday, February 28, 2015

You're A Runner!

When I arrived at Live In Fitness, I was overwhelmed by all of the folks who worked hard in every class. They quickly became my role models.  I vowed to work as hard as they did, every day that I was here. I could do lots things, after all, I was a crossfitt-er and powerlifter.  However, the one thing that they could do that I couldn't do, is run. Coach AJ would walk around during classes and say “You’re a runner!” when he saw someone walking that should be running. He also encouraged those that were new to running!  I was so envious and couldn’t wait for the day that I could run! 

I have done so many things that I never expected I would do. I’ve ridden a bike; I’ve played basketball; and I’ve even spent time working out on the beach, which believe me, is something I never thought I’d enjoy! (Too much sand in too many places!) However, the thing that surprised me the most and is by far my biggest accomplishment here, is the joy I’ve found in running. I can’t do it for very long or go very fast, but I absolutely love it.

I try to always do the 5K challenges, the beach runs, and I never ever miss going to Jarvis Creek. Jarvis Creek is a gorgeous park here on the island, with a .85 loop, and if you’re lucky, you’ll see an alligator or two! Anyway, that first week I went out to the park and ran the loop in 13:56. I know, I know, that’s about as slow as a turtle stampeding through peanut butter, but I did it. Mostly walking, but I finished. This is the week I decided to make running a priority. I remember when I could run a mile in under 10 minutes, and I am determined to do that again.
Week three I decided to go with a plan. I would run for 30 seconds and then walk for a minute, just long enough to catch my breath. That week, I did it in 11:57, big improvement!
Each week I cut down my walking time and increased my running time. This week, week 7, I would run a minute and a half and walk 30 seconds. I was so excited with my improvement. I finished the lap in 10:31 and didn’t feel like I was going to die at the end!!
Now each day, I look forward to classes that have running in them. I can put my headphones in; hold my head high, and just run. I run when I want to find clarity or run when I need a break from the crowd. Sometimes, all it takes is five minutes of just feeling free.

Do you remember the moment in Forrest Gump where he is running and his leg braces just start to fall off into a million pieces? That’s exactly how I felt a couple weeks ago while I was running.  The “braces” that have been holding me back have started to fall off -  my stride has gotten longer, my legs move faster, and my breathing has settled. The words now running through my head are, “You CAN do this. You’re a runner.”

You can do this too! In fact, you can do anything you put your mind to.
All it takes is all you've got!
- E

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Turn The Light On!

Today got off to a rocky start. I tried to do everything from going to church to crying my eyes out under my favorite blanket. I just could not shake the negative feelings that were making me upset. After talking to friends (and my mom) I decided to just throw it all away.  As hard as it may be, just let it go.

In the recent years of my young adult life, I have realized that in everything you do there are three different kinds of people.  There are the people that are extremely positive, the people that are constantly negative, and the people that, frankly, just don't care.  I'm sure you can think of people that fit into each of those categories. I know that I can, and if I'm honest, I have been each of those.  Maybe you see them at work, school, church, or on your sports team. Well, the same thing is true here at Live in Fitness. 

I am no where near perfect, but I pride myself in always trying to find the positive in people and in this program. Sure, it's not always perfect, but there is always good. 

Living in a little bubble, sometimes it's difficult to always be positive. Last week, we had a mandatory lecture during our lunch break. The first thing I heard afterward was a group of ladies complaining about having to go in the first place. It is irritating to me because I feel like everything they do here has reason behind it. The decisions the coaches make are to benefit us. So why complain about it? I simply told the ladies that I thought it was great and they should make more lectures mandatory because the emotional side of the journey is equally as important as the physical side. They just got quiet... 

A different day there was one lady that had her panties in a bunch because we did PVC pipe stretching instead of foam rolling and that's not what the schedule said... OK, if something like that can ruin your day, there's a bigger problem!

Here's the one that drives me the most crazy! When we're in a class and all I hear is someone saying, "I can't do this!" or "I can't do that!" I'm guilty of this from time to time, but you won't see progress if you don't put yourself out of your comfort zone!

Anyway, like I said... There are always going to be people in your life that look for the brown leaf in the lettuce.

Lately, I've been overwhelmed with the amount of people here. Some days, it seems like I can never find alone time. But a couple days ago, I decided to look at the positive and think about the amount of people trying to change their life through Live In Fitness. That is so exciting!

For me, just sticking around a positive group of friends has helped me a lot. When you are around positivity, you will stay happy!

I also started keeping a list of what I'm grateful for. When I catch myself complaining about something, I think of three things I'm thankful for!

Lastly, I actively look for solutions. Sometimes there aren't any but a lot of times it just takes retraining your mind to see the positive!

Stay positive, friends. 

- E

Thursday, February 19, 2015

What Makes A Great Coach

When I think about my weight loss journey, it wouldn't be complete or even possible without great coaches or trainers. One thing I love about Live In Fitness is the diverse group that they have here. It got me thinking.. What makes a coach a great coach?

When I started CrossFit 2 years ago, Sean and Doc helped me fall in love with fitness. They introduced me to the fun side of working out and molded me into an athlete with the mindset to accomplish more than I thought was possible. They shared with me their passion for the sport, and it was infectious. They are also a huge part of the reason I had the courage to do a program as hard as Live In Fitness. 

After being here for a month and a half, I've seen a lot of different kinds of coaching. With that, I wanted share some of the things that stick out to me the most:

Have you ever noticed that the best coaches are ON all the time? They have energy, they're loud, and they act like you can do anything. I think that makes a good coach. We have a coach here named Kelly and she is seriously the energizer bunny. When she has a class, she raises the roof and it is BEYOND motivating.

We have teams here, and my coach is Nick. He's a bad ass CrossFitter and I look up to him and his work ethic so much! However, the thing I appreciate about him the most is his ability to work with all different kinds of people and adapt his workouts to them. We have a level system here at LIFE, 1 being the easiest class, 3 being the hardest, and he is so aware of who is in his class and how to modify. After all, it is the CrossFit way!

If you know me, you know I'm emotional. I tend to let my emotions run free, Here, I've been called the "camp crier" once or twice. The coaches that I appreciate the most, are the ones in tap with the emotional side of the journey and no one does that better than Bernadette. She has been there for me on numerous occasions and truly represents the balance of mind and body.

There is one coach here that knows how to push me to the edge of what I think I can do, and constantly proves to me that I can do more. Christian has the rep of being the hardest trainer around and I hate him 90% of the time he's training me. But at the end of the day, he helps me break down mental and emotional barriers. He doesn't let me give up on him or myself. Christian has been one of my biggest supports here and I know I can count on him to get me where I want to be. He keeps me focused on WHY I'm here and I couldn't be more grateful.

Sometimes as clients we get caught up in the NOW. We want to lose weight NOW and burn more calories NOW. As a coach, you have to keep the long term in perspective. One coach comes to mind when I think of that, Arleigh. She ALWAYS has the best interest of her team in mind. She keeps you on track even if she has to be straight forward or use tough love. She wants to see you succeed even if it means taking it easy to get ahead in the long run.

My favorite coach here is AJ because he doesn't let me half ass anything. I can always count on him to tell me when I'm slacking and encourage me when I need it the most. His classes are always just hard enough and despite the fact that his clapping drives me insane and he ALWAYS plays ACDC radio, I'd say he's pretty cool. He's the only trainer that's gotten me to the point of puking in a PT session but I keep going back because his classes make me better. He keeps the morale high and truly believes in every client that comes through LIFE. He doesn't just talk to the talk but he walks the walk and is a role model that everyone looks up to.

The majority of coaches I've worked with have been so informative. I like when a coach can explain exactly what I'm doing and what it does for me. Understanding strength and conditioning has never been my strong suit so breaking it down to something simple, has always been important to me.

At a place like Live In Fitness, the days grow long and the program grows old. You can always count on the coaches to shake things up. Chef AJ and Nick constantly keep things light and fun. They're always there for a pick me up and half the time, I don't know what to expect. This journey would definitely be incomplete without them!

The list could go on and on about things I love about my coaches, past and present. The more I'm surrounded by great trainers, the more I understand what to appreciate in them. They work hard, especially when they have so many people to keep up with!

Thumbs up to all the great coaches out there, I appreciate the work you do in the lives of others and being advocates for a healthy lifestyle!

"A great coach will make his players see what they can be, rather than what they are."

Monday, February 16, 2015


Hey everyone,

It is RARE that I post twice a week, much less two days in a row. However, I made a promise to y'all at the beginning of this journey to not only blog the highs, but also the lows.

Yesterday, someone asked me why I always blog about the happy stuff. Like what happens when things are going bad? I responded with a short, "everything has been great!" This morning I was in for a rude awakening...

I stepped on the scale to see a 324 flash in front of me. That'd be fine, but LAST week 324 stood in the same place. Tears filled my eyes and began to roll down my face. All that work for NOTHING. 5 hours a day, 25 hours in the week, working out that amounted to a big fat 0 lost.

Memories of my failures flooded my mind and I began to think of all the times I lost weight to only gain it back later. What if I begin to lose only 2 pounds a week or no weight? Is that worth my money and time? What will happen next week?

So many questions... So many doubts... So so so many tears.

The worst part was that I didn't go off plan. I felt like I did everything right. (With the exception of drinking half a regular gatorade before realizing it wasn't a low calorie one!)

My first instinct after feeling all of these feelings was going straight to bed. I didn't want to work out. The thought of stepping on a treadmill made me want to puke. I wanted to lay in the fetal position and watch Little House on the Prairie all day with a cold glass of milk.

But I didn't. My coaches rallied around me and encouraged me to work out anyway. I had to get it together and keep my eye on the prize. After all, I'm still one pound ahead of the game. Mentally it wasn't a great day for me but I went through the motions and did everything I needed to do.

I don't know what the next 15 weeks hold. Shoot, I don't even know what the next 6 days hold. But I do know one thing, I believe in this program. I know if I keep putting in work, I will come out on top.

"You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life."


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Goals. Goals. Goals.

Hey everyone!

The questions I've been getting lately are:

"What are your goals??"
"Can you really lose THAT much weight while you're there??"
"How do I set a weight loss goal that's ACHIEVABLE??"

Oh boy... I don't even know where to start!

Last month I worked on goal setting with my life coach, Quincy. While I'm here at the program I haven't been too concerned with the numbers as long as I'm losing consistently. On the other hand, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have numbers I wanted to hit...
When I arrived at Live In Fitness, I used 3 key guidelines to setting my goal.

1. My goal had to be REALISTIC.
Last week I lost EIGHT POUNDS, the most I've lost since I've been here. Sure, I'm working out every single day and I'm on a controlled eating plan, but is losing that much every week realistic? HECK NO. There are so many things you have to consider including your body type, diet, and the amount of activity you do each day. Set goals that are attainable and don't set yourself up for failure!

2. You have to set MEASURABLE goals. 
Most of the people that have emailed me say they want to lose weight. My question for them is HOW?? If you don't set specific and measurable goals to get there, you are going to be sitting around a year from now wondering why you didn't hit your goal of "losing weight." Here at Live In Fitness I set the goal of working REALLY hard on Monday, Wednesday, Friday by doing a class every hour offered. On Tuesdays and Thursday, I usually take an hour off to walk on the beach or clear my head. Maybe your goal at home is just to walk an hour every day, play basketball at the center once a week, or to drink a gallon of water every day! If you set small specific goals, I promise you will see success in your overall goals!

The good ole motivational jug :)

3. REWARD yourself.
What fun is weight loss if you don't get presents along the way? If you are successful, TREAT YO SELF. Buy a new outfit every 20 pounds or get a mani pedi every 10. Good things come to those who show their body love!

I know it sounds easy but it can be hard! Keep a journal and document how you do every week. That has really helped me. Another thing that has helped me is telling everyone and keeping this blog. When you have people holding you accountable you will be so much better at following through!

The goal I ended up setting for myself is to lose FIVE pounds a week while I am here at Live In Fitness. My sister gets married on June 6th and my goal is to lose ONE HUNDRED POUNDS by her wedding!

My sweet sister is getting married!
I am reaching these goals by keeping my mind clear and attending life coaching sessions each week.
I am playing sports like water polo and basketball three times a week.
I have signed up for a 5K and am practicing interval running twice a week.
I am taking care of my body by getting massages and icing my knees.

My goals so far have gone great, in 5 weeks I lost 31 pounds which means I'm 6 ahead! Tomorrow I will weigh in again.

I can't wait to hear back about YOUR success and what you are doing to reach your goals!!!

Set your goals high and don't stop till you get there :)

- E

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

To Those Who Quit

One of the hardest things I’ve been faced with here at Live In Fitness is watching people leave. We are a close-knit community and after spending day in and day out with someone for two or more weeks, it’s tough to see them go.

What’s even harder is waking up one day and someone being gone. This has happened to me twice so far and unfortunately it’ll probably happen again.

This program is difficult. The classes are hard and there is a sense of camaraderie formed by making it through each and every day. The other clients here quickly become your brothers, your sisters, and your team. We are all in the same boat and all make the decision to show up each morning.

There are some mornings I wake up and wish I was at home where I could lay in bed and have no one hold me accountable. But each and every one of those mornings I drag myself out of bed and over to the studio. It breaks my heart when I get there and find out someone else didn't make that same choice. When someone makes up his or her mind that it’s too much, not worth it, and decides to go home.

When my friend left, she didn't even tell me. I guess it’s embarrassing to quit, but in the back of mind I wish I could have done something or encouraged her to stay. That Monday morning, she’d had a bad weigh in, and gained a pound. I can’t imagine how frustrating that would be, especially after all the work that we do here. At the same time, I wish I could have said something, anything, to comfort her in that time. It still haunts me weeks later. 

The second guy that left, really, really, really, needed to be here. If he had taken advantage of this program and performed to his full potential, his life would have been changed. The people that are hardest to see go, are the ones that need it the most.

I wish it wasn't true, but quitting is not a foreign idea to me. People used to tell me that I was really good at starting things, but awful at finishing them. I quit tennis, I quit lacrosse, I quit school at one point, and I’ve definitely quit weightloss.

Whether it’s quitting a weightloss program, a sports team, or something else in your life, I know there will be regret and second guessing.

If I can leave you with anything, it’s that it’s not too late. I’ve decided that this program is MY last resort, but it doesn't have to be yours. Find a program and stick to it. You WILL see results. You don't have to wait for the New Year or even a Monday. The beauty of changing your life, is you get to decide when, what, and how.

“It only takes one person to change your life. YOU.”

Friday, February 6, 2015

5 Weightloss Tips From ME!

Hey everyone!

I have been so encouraged by the amount of support I’ve gotten from each and every one of you. The Weigh has reached a whole new level during this journey and has gained an entire new audience. I love it! I hope y’all have been inspired by my story. I have felt your comfort during my lows and your celebrations during my highs! But the journey has only begun.

Over the last few weeks I have gotten emails from some of you on your own journey. I’m so proud of those of you who have taken time in their lives to better yourselves and become a healthier you! Y’all have asked for “tips and secrets” and I’ve put a lot of thought into how I want to answer you all.

Firstly, I am nowhere near an expert on all of this. In fact, I’m in the same boat (or worse) as most of you! But I am taking in as much info as I can and I will try to help in every way possible! I’m also going to try to get one of my coaches to do a guest post with some workout tips. No promises, but I’ll see what I can do!

However, when you work out 6 days a week, 6 hours a day, with some of the best coaches around, you pick up a few things! So this is what I’ll leave you with:

Here at Live In Fitness, we start every day and end every day with a 20-30min stretch. Honestly, I don't know where I’d be without it. The importance in stretching is really to prevent injury, but no matter where you are in your fitness journey, being mobile is so important! As a competitive weightlifter, stretching has always been a part of my routine, but some days I neglected to do it. Learn it’s importance and put it to practice!

#2 – Don't do it alone!
OK, I know what you’re thinking. “How do I find people to workout with? My friends are already in shape. I don’t know anyone at my gym.” Or even worse, “I’m too embarrassed to go to the gym!”
I get that. I get all of that. After highschool when I gained so much of my weight, I was embarrassed to try new things. But I knew I had to change, so I just jumped in. You all know the rest… CrossFit. There are things I love about it and areas I don't agree with, but the community is undeniably the best out there. If you need a support system, it’s there waiting for you. If you don't want to try CrossFit, find a trainer. My coaches here believe in me on the days I don't even believe in myself. Sure, you can try it alone, but you don't need to!

#3 – Switch it up!

So you like to run? That’s cool… But what else do you do? I’m a firm believer in constantly changing up my routine. When I arrived at Live In Fitness, I used the elliptical every single day, and it kicked my ass! 5 weeks later, I’m kind of a pro! So I switched over to the stair master and even sometimes the treadmill. If you are a member at a gym that has classes, try something new! Water aerobics? Zumba? They’re all great!

#4 - Working out doesn't matter if you're not eating right.
I feel like I'll devote an entire post to nutrition and what we do here at Live In Fitness. But I want to throw it out there that the way you eat is so flipping important. Yes, you heard that right. Me, the girl that used to eat fast food every single day is starting to believe it. I know finding the "right diet" can be overwhelming, but if I can pass on one tip that I've learned, it's to just eat clean. Eliminate cokes and pops from your day, don't buy any fast food, and don't eat anything that comes out of a box. I can hear you all now... "It's easier said than done." Believe me, I know. Which brings me to my next tip....

#5 - Find out WHY you eat.
Most people don't only eat when they're hungry. They eat when they are bored, sad, socializing, etc. If its something you can control on your own, make a mental note and when you go for that bag of chips, ask yourself if you're truly hungry. For me it was much more emotional than that. For me fast food was my boyfriend. It comforted me when I was sad and made me happy every other day. It was about my self image, and self care. If you have a food addiction or are emotionally attached to food, talk to someone about it. Journal about it. Get help! It's not embarrassing, it's moving forward. 

You get what you put into it. 

"Success isn't owned. It's leased. And rent is due every day."

- E

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

1 Month Progress Photos!

These are my 1 month progress pictures!! I'll be honest, most of the day I was disappointed about them. I didn't feel like I could see much progress outside of a good bit of sun! But taking into consideration that 23lbs is only 15% of what I need to lose, it may take more time to see changes! I can definitely see the difference in the way my clothes fit and how I overall feel. So I'm happy with that! 

As promised, here they are!

Will have more to share in another month! Thank you for the support and you can always keep track of my journey here at The Weigh!

Strive for progress, not perfection.