Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Key To Weight Loss

In September 2012, at only 19 years old, I sat in a meeting in a hospital room discussing the option of bariatric surgery. I had tried to lose weight, I had met with trainers, I had gone on diets, but I never lost a significant amount. I couldn't do it on my own. The doctor read a statistic out loud to his audience saying that 97% of morbidly obese people never lose the weight on their own without having a medical procedure. That scared me, left me feeling that there was only a 3% chance that I could ever be happy without cutting part of my stomach out. I remember leaving the meeting empty. I remember feeling hopeless.

Years down the road, the surgery still crossed my mind, and the statistic was loud and clear in my subconscious, reminding myself that I would never be successful. 

Then I found Live In Fitness Retreat, a glimmer of hope. After being here for almost four months, I realize what was missing from my training programs and diets, it was the mentality that I CAN DO THIS.  

The #1 habit you need to adopt, is believing in yourself. 

I am a firm believer in this quote. For the last 105 days, I've been surrounded by fitness and people trying to lose weight. The difference in those successful and those who are not, is clear. The people who believe in themselves have drive, willpower, self motivation, and positivity. They show up every day because they know they can succeed.

Is believing in yourself enough? No. But if you truly, truly, truly do, the rest will follow. If you believe you can, you will find a way. 

"Believe in yourself and you're halfway there." 

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