Monday, September 30, 2013

I Survived!

HEY EVERYBODY!!! I think this may be the most requested blog I've had this far, other than the "Why Women Should Lift Heavy Weights" post. I appreciate all yall asking about my first competition experience...

Hip Hip Hooray! I survived my very first CrossFit competition, and as promised I'm here to tell you ALL about it.

Someone asked me to describe it in one word and I'd have to pick EXPERIENCE. But good thing for me, I love to write so I can use a whole lot of words! I competed in Survival Fitness's Great Lakes Bay Region Throwdown with my 3 amazing teammates; Elaine, Justin, & Tom.

There was only one division composed of about 24 teams and we finished 17th of the 24. Even though I wish we had done a little better, I'm so proud of us going out there and giving it our best shot. And hey, we didn't finish last! (Which I was fully prepared for).

Here's how it all went down, my team met at CrossFit Glory (my home gym) at 11AM to get warmed up for the long day ahead. Then we carpooled over to Survival Fitness in Bay City, MI. We went through some stretches, signed in, and boy was I feeling intimidated. There were athletes everywhere that I only dreamed of being as good as (& still do!)

My team was put into the 2nd Heat which wasn't bad because it's way better than being the guinea pig but doesn't come with the anxiety of going last.

The first WOD was definitely the hardest... Check it out!

WOD #1
Karen XL
200 Wall Balls (As a team)
5 Burpees Every Minute on the Minute (Everyone)

Coming into the competition, this was what I was most worried about, but it was only half as bad as I expected. We completed 167 wall balls before the 10 minute time cap. Let's just say I was happy to get it out of the way first. 

WOD #2
Grace & Isabel's Big Day
30 Box Jumps (24")
30 Clean & Jerks (135/95)
30 Snatches (135/95)
30 Toes to Bar

As a team we had to complete the WOD with only one person working at a time. This was nice because it gave each of us a little break. At this point in time, cardio is definitely not my forte so I aimed to impress on the olympic lifts. The clean & jerks went great but unfortunately 95 pound snatches are still a little out of my league. I have no problem doing a few, but doing 10 was a challenge for me. It was tough, but we got through it!
The third WOD is where we really shined! Check it out...

WOD #3
Fran, Fran, Go Fran
Pull ups

Fran is one of those workouts that EVERYONE in the CrossFit community knows about. It's like one of the first things people ask you and basically judge your level off of this one time. Not saying I agree with this, but it definitely makes Fran seem a little more scary! Especially when you multiply it by three. It was one person working at a time and we had a 10 minute cap. Can I just say, I LOVE THRUSTERS. I have since the first day I did them and today was know different. 

So I'm fully aware that these pictures are less than becoming of me, but it's hard work, & thrusters with a smile would be a difficult task, even for me! Fran went awesome & we finished in 7:36 which I think is great. We moved up four spots just based on our performance in Fran. 

I couldn't have done it without my amazing teammates. Justin is a serious beast, & had my back on those snatches. Because forreal, he did over half of them! Not to mention he's hilarious and kept things fun!

Elaine is such a good friend and she worked hard!! It was awesome having her on my team, especially with all her positivity! 
Tom was seriously my saving grace during this competition. He always made me feel like I was doing a good job and pushed me to do even better. So happy he was on my team!

We had another awesome team from CrossFit Glory that went and they did wonderful finishing seventh! They are amazing... & my inspiration! 

All in all it was an amazing day & I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I couldn't have done it without my trainer Dan either. Definitely gave me a pep talk before EVERY workout, because he's the best there is! Also I couldn't have done it without Sean & Rich because they made me sign up (:

Check back for some posts that are in the works.... 
"5 Things I Learned From The Masters Competition"
"Why YOU Should do a CrossFit Competition"
"21 Day Superhero Challenge"

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Outside the Box

Unless this is your first time visiting The Weigh (if it is, Welcome yall!), it is no secret that I have a burning passion for CrossFit. Regardless of the love I have for this intense pastime, there are days that I just don't want to go. Crazy! Right? I'm sure it's the same for you & things that you love. On these less than appealing days, (that usually involve burpees and running), I remind myself one thing, it's just one hour! One hour to work my butt off with a 100% satisfaction guarantee that I will feel better afterwards.

"It's just one hour"
I've told myself this at least 40 times since the beginning of this crazy journey, but guess what? I'm wrong. (I don't admit that much, so please take in the moment).

But it's true,  I'm so very wrong when it comes to this.

CrossFit goes way beyond the one hour we spend in the box a day. CrossFit is a lifestyle, a way of living, and almost anyone who participates has bought into this. CrossFit changes your mentality, your goals, and most of all the ability to do everyday things.

Yesterday I had one of many moments of gratitude as two fellow CFG members encouraed me to finish a WOD. Yesterday I went to the noon class for the first time and it was ALL CARDIO. My least favorite thing to do, but the thing I need the most.

It consisted of 3 rounds of a 400m run, 150 single unders, and 10 burpees. I'm beyond scaling movements so sometimes it still takes me longer meaning when the rest of the class finished the workout, I was only beginning my 3rd round. Pretty discouraging...

Nonetheless, I set off on my 3rd 400m run only to find Tracy and Kate trucking along behind me, making sure I didn't give up, and made it to the "finish line." Pretty ENCOURAGING...

How often is it at any other gym you have people that are willing to do another entire round, just to make you feel good. CrossFit is the kind of place where you are always encouraging the people around you, yelling at them to keep it up between every breath. Many of the same people that cheer me on in the box, are the same people that are there for me in my everyday life.

Photo credit: Tabata Times
CrossFit has not only shown me the world of teamwork, but also shined a light on focus. If I can do something as tough as Fran, I can pass an anatomy class, it just takes a different set of skills. The amount of cell phone free, full attention, diet planning, effort that is put into becoming fit equates to the discipline needed in school.

CrossFit isn't about the little time you spend in the gym, but the lesson you take away from it. It's about recognizing that just like the struggle Murph presents you, life will present you with obstacles just as tough. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bigger Than Myself

I was driving home from class tonight & started thinking about my CrossFit journey. How it started, how far I've come, & where I see it going. The funny thing is I never expected it to be this much a part of my life. I'm not even sure I expected myself to last this long, doing something at such at high intensity every single day. (Even at 5AM). Lifting crazy amount of weights, running a whole mile, and just being a part of something.

Sometimes I have a hard time seeing the changes, but even though I'm just shy of 30 pounds lost, I have made so many gains. Gains in muscle, strength, confidence, endurance...

In my opinion, I've done super well, but there's still days that I really want to eat off plan. Days that I feel like it'd be okay to let myself down. But recently, this whole CrossFit thing, has become way bigger than just for me. When I think about eating junk food, I think about my trainers and all the hard work they've put into my program. I think about the support I have at CrossFit Glory and how they want the best for me. I think about all the overweight girls that have contacted me that are too scared to try CrossFit. I am reminded on occasion that even when I don't believe it, I am someones inspiration. I think about how it'd let all of them down and that's the last thing I want.

Just as an update, CrossFit has been fantastic this week. My mobility is getting better, I can do running, and it's been the most fun I've had since I started. I LOVE CROSSFIT. I am so thankful that I have people pushing me to go beyond my limitations. Even if my perfect isn't as good as someone elses, I know I'm giving it my all and couldn't do it without everyone. So here's to all of you, thanks for being my motivation!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Is CrossFit Too Expensive?

Happy Saturday Y'all!

I'm going to keep this short & sweet.

The other day I was bragging to my co-workers about how awesome CrossFit is. They both workout a lot so we all talk about our training & what we did that morning or week. The more and more I've talked about it, the more it's sparked an interest. But the question that always turns people off is, how much it costs to be part of a box. Let me tell you, it's expensive.

But in my opinion, it's worth every single penny. I have not once felt like I was being ripped off. When I was a member of different franchise gyms, I never understood why I was paying so much to go use a stupid machine. The workers weren't engaged in what I was doing, nobody was helping me, and frankly it was just never worth my time. There are tons of contracts that are impossible to get out of.

CrossFit is totally different, yall.

I obviously don't look forward to paying $100 a month for CrossFit but I have never ever seen it as a burden. The time and effort that the Smith's put into CrossFit Glory is insane and they've done a fantastic job. I haven't visited any other boxes, but I know my CrossFit friends across the country would say the same.

It's a community. The best part is, it's a family that holds you to your decision to do your best. We all want to see each other succeed and we know what it takes to get there.

CrossFit is a full blown commitment, and if you don't take advantage of coming the majority of the week, you're not going to see the results you want.

Money aside, CrossFit has helped me...
- Lose 27 pounds.
- Be able to jump rope.
- Run a mile.
- Build confidence.
- Meet awesome people.

So to those considering CrossFit... CrossFit is only worth the money if you're motivated. On the other hand, keep in mind that CrossFit isn't actually for everyone. Sure, anyone can do it, but if you don't enjoy it, the price is too high. My reccomendation is to come a couple weeks to the free classes.

At CrossFit Glory we have them every Saturday at 10AM. (For my Alabama readers, CrossFit 2L2Q has a free class every Saturday at 9AM). To everyone else, google it... I'm sure you'll find one (:

Hope to hear about some of yall's new CrossFit adventures!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Little R&R

Howdy everybody! Long time no  see  write...

I hope everyone had an amazing summer... I can't believe it's already over! That's the funny thing about being a working adult... What's summer?

When I realized it had actually come & gone...

Anyway, after not having gone away since March... It was great to get back to the south land. Oh, how I'd missed Alabama. I'd also missed my brother & sister because we don't get together even close to enough!

It was a GREAT trip, the weather was beautiful. Even though it rained the first night...

&& the second day it was SO SUNNY that I got a serious reverse farmers  tan  burn...

Regardless of the burn, I had SOOO much fun on the boat with my family. (Let me just point out that me on a boat AND swimming, is MAJOR) If it wasn't for Sean & swim lessons, I probably would have drowned)

&& at the Auburn game..

It was EXACTLY what I needed. As for CrossFit, I was feeling pretty drained after 2 months of hard work. I was slowing down & not seeing as much progress as I'd liked. But after having a mini vacation, I feel wonderful. Since I got back this week, I PR'd on my front squat (215lbs) & my deadlift (260lbs). MORE IMPORTANTLY, my jump roping has gotten so so so so much better, I couldn't be happier. It's just proof that practice does make perfect!

Something that people have been telling me all along though is... TAKE A REST DAY. I really think the rest I got helped my body get back to full recovery :) Taking days off is still going to be totally hard for me though..

Also something I realized is... How much I LOVE LOVE LOVE CrossFit. 4 days without it, were seriously unbearable.

P.S. If you read this far, airplane seat belts totally fit now, with extra room to spare!!! WOOHOO!