Can I start off by saying that this week has been uhhh, insane, exhausting, brain overflowing, nerve wracking, insert more overwhelming words here-ing...
Seriously though, exam week is kicking my butt. I feel great about all my midterms but still, I'm exhausted.
I'm still going to CrossFit everyday, but have had to limit it to about 2 hours. Studying first! Still, scraping up those bits of motivation... Isn't always easy. But it's something we gotta do right?
Hmmm.... future blog topic, perhaps?
Anyhow, I really just wanted to take a moment in the midst of this madness to say THANK YOU, to Ace over at Eat.Pray.Wod. for nominating me for my very first Liebster Award. (Check her out, she's way cool!) I'm honored.
The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. What exactly is a Liebster? Liebster is German and means favorite or beloved! How fun! The Liebster is a great way to share with the community and get to know other bloggers!
So, Ace had some questions for me, and it's my job to answer them!
1. Most embarrassing moment?
Oh gawd... That would probably be my freshmen year of high school when the boys varsity tennis team stole my poetry binder and posted my poems all over the boys locker room. Yes, that did happen... Or the time when I barfed all over the sidewalk in high school in front of EVERYONE.
2. Favorite recipe?
My grandmas peanut butter pie... it's a family secret (:
Or breakfast casserole!!!
3. Item of clothing you feel most confident in and why?
Probably my blue lacey dress. EVERYTIME I've worn it I've gotten some kind of compliment from a guy. So what if what they say matters? :p
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This is old... The dress almost swallows me now, but I still love it! |
4. What do you do to relax?
Depending on what kind of relaxation I need, lifting... OR... I love me some beer and board games!
5. If you could choose anywhere in the world to spend a week, where would it be?
Hmmm... Probably Cape Town. Every quiz I take says I'm meant to live there. Hey, could it be a sign?
6. Favorite beer?
Simple. Killians. Can't get enough of it! But on any given night I'd pick hard cider over beer!
7. Least favorite way to sweat?
LOL. Ace, how'd you even come up with this. Probably that nasty, smelly, kinda sweat I get when I go from cold to hot too quick!
8. Would you rather: Have to wear 80's style blazers with shoulder pads everyday for the rest of your life OR wear Lady Gaga's meat dress once a week for the rest of your life?
Hahaha. Seriously. Hardest. Question. Of. My. Life. Hmmm...
I need a visual image for this...
I'm gonna have to go with the shoulder pads... Simply because my 80 year old self will thank me and I don't wanna have to sell my dog every time meat day comes around...
9. Quote you live by?
"The man is the head but the woman is the neck and she can turn the head wherever she wants to."
That's right, I do what I want!
10. Favorite color and why?
Purple... I picked it once and said well, that's that!
11. Who would play you in the movie of your life?
Cameron Diaz. She's pretty and funny and all... But she's also the highest grossing female actress. If this movie is about me, I better be making some profit!