That was me today... in the middle of killer overhead squats.
I knew I had done at least 13 squats... So at that point, I had two choices, start at a lower number and ensure that I get the best workout, or start a few higher & shave some reps, because after all, I probably did them.... I think?
Today, I made the wise choice of starting from 13 but there's been days when I've given myself the benefit of doubt. But here's the straight up truth....
The best of the best didn't get to where they are by cheating reps. Do you think Garret Fisher got to the CrossFit Games by cheating reps? I SERIOUSLY DOUBT IT.
I know that shaving reps is tempting,.. Believe me, there's days that I just want those rounds to go by fast & if it's a AMRAP workout... I want to be the best.
What I lose focus of, is I just need to be the best ME. No matter what kind of workouts you do, cheating reps, is cheating yourself.
So that's what's on my mind today...
This week for me has been an emotional roller coaster. It's going great now, but if you had asked me 3 days ago I probably would have had a different answer.
Tomorrow is weigh in day so that gave me the drive to go extra hard tonight. We had a crazy hard WOD where I did:
50 Thrusters
60 Jumping Pull-Ups
30 Overhead Squats
10 Power Snatches
It was pretty hard... Although I'm kind of disappointed in myself because I definitely could have used more weight. So to follow that up, I decided to row a 10K. Cardio is so important to lose weight on this journey, so that just put me one step closer. It took me awhile because I'm such a chatter box BUT I finished :)
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