I'm trying to avoid all things that cause me pain. Of course, that means there's nothing left to do.
I've been holding my bladder for a good 45 minutes because the idea of doing a squatting motion is far less appealing. Staircases are not my friend today, actually walking even causes me pain. It honestly feels like my legs are carrying 40 bricks along with them.
2 days down, a bajillion to go! |
The beauty of all this though, is that I know something is working! I've become painfully aware of muscles I didn't even know I had and even though they hate me right now, they're going to thank me for this later.
Today was my second workout with Sean at CrossFit Glory & I'll spare you too many details. But I did learn a few new CrossFit favorites.
The three main things I learned were the front squat & the back squat which are basically just squats with a barbell. Also the overhead squat which is my personal favorite (: Below is a link to CrossFit exercises that have excellent photos & videos that better help explain the moves.
Here's the thing though, this is not a blog to teach you the ends & out of CrossFit. This is a blog that really follows my journey to a healthier life; Sharing the anxieties of an overweight college student, who has a whole lot of confidence that is often masked by the fear of judgment from others. The motto at CrossFit Glory is "Shatter Your Comfort Zone", which is exactly what I'm working to do.
I have yet to go to a group class & I am about as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs... What will people think of me? They're going to finish their workout in half the time of me! Thankfully Sean assured me that everyone will probably be focused on their own workout which is probably true.. But there is still that anxiety of working out in front of others. Something that came to mind though, is would I rather be seen as the fat girl trying to get in shape, or the fat girl doing nothing about it? Hmmm.. That's not a hard choice. I feel more judged going through a drive thru at McDonalds than I do at the gym. But I am a lot more self conscious at the gym with tall, skinny, tan, gods and goddesses. Why is it that skinny people always have tans & great hair? When I lose weight maybe I'll have a tan & fabulous hair... I sure hope so ;)
Today was embarrassing though, we did a 10 minute work out and did the following 3 things until time ran out:
5 Push Jerks
10 Wall Balls
15 Kettle Bell Swings
I was pretty embarrassed because I got tired, FAST. I couldn't get the ball up to the target. & my swings were less than pleasant looking. But you know what, I finished & like yesterday, that's all that matters!
On the plus side, my push jerks are looking much better & I got through the exercise without too much concern for the jiggly jumping :p
Can you imagine doing 150 of those?? |
This was the entirety of our workout but let me tell you, it was plenty! Wall balls were actually pretty fun but I can't imagine having to do a large number of them. Sean told me about a workout they do where you have to do 150 for time. Uhm, can you say CRAZY!?
While my legs are completely shot, it's time to get ready for another workout with Doc. Cross your fingers it doesn't involve squats!