Hey everyone!
I want to share something that you’ve probably heard a
zillion times already: You can do way more than you think you can — you just
have to believe. I know that sounds a little preachy, but I’m reminding myself
as much as I’m sharing with you.
At Live in Fitness™ I’m reminded every day of two things:
weight loss is hard work and that the hard work is totally worth it, but
sometimes, when things seem a little tougher than others, I need to remind
myself to keep going.
It’s been a rough week of workouts here in South Carolina.
It’s brutally hot outside and this Michigan girl is way out of her comfort
zone. It is weeks like this that remind me how big of a role your mentality
plays in everything you do.
My alarm goes off at 7:45A.M. every day, and every day I am
faced with the same decision: get out of bed and work hard or stay in bed. I
know that six hours of workouts awaits me. I know my body is aching, my muscles
are sore and I’m tired. But every day I make the decision to get up and go, not
because that’s what I feel like doing but because the rewards massively
outweigh the difficulty.
As many of you know, I make noise in the gym lifting some
heavy-ass weights. I often have older ladies standing around me, jaw dropped,
wondering how it’s possible. Well, here’s my secret. It’s not that I’m ungodly
strong (even if I act like it); it’s that I believe I can do it. I am not
saying that everyone can lift the exact same amount of weight as me, but if you
approach a weight or exercise and think it’s impossible, you’re right.
If you want to reach your goals, you have to believe in
yourself. Day after day I watch ladies pick up 2-3 pound weights. Well ladies,
I have news for you — you are stronger than that! Coach A.J. often says, “You
can’t get a training effect off of lifting a pencil.”
Today several ladies were standing around watching me during CrossFit Quickie, amazed at the 95lbs on the bar. Afterwards, several of them gave it a little tug, trying to do a deadlift. All of them immediately said, "I can't do that." One by one Nick got them in proper positioning to deadlift, and they each lifted it. It was the coolest thing and truly touched my heart! One of my favorite things about LIF, is watching people do the "impossible."
Today several ladies were standing around watching me during CrossFit Quickie, amazed at the 95lbs on the bar. Afterwards, several of them gave it a little tug, trying to do a deadlift. All of them immediately said, "I can't do that." One by one Nick got them in proper positioning to deadlift, and they each lifted it. It was the coolest thing and truly touched my heart! One of my favorite things about LIF, is watching people do the "impossible."
Getting in shape isn’t supposed to be easy, but it is
simple! Exercises SHOULD be challenging and if the last rep is as easy as the
first one, you can do more. So explore your limits, push the envelope and get
out of your comfort zone. Oh yeah, and believe in yourself — the results will
amaze you.