Friday, May 8, 2015

Push Yourself...But Don’t Push Too Hard

Two weeks ago, I hurt my back. I’m not really sure how and I cant pinpoint the moment that it happened, but slowly but surely, it became a big problem. 

I approach training in one way, hard. I’d say when it comes to working out, my mental game is my biggest strength. I don't like to quit and I don't like to slow down. When I have an injury, it’s hard for me to “take it easy.”

Last year when I was preparing for University Nationals, I got a stress fracture in my foot. I showed up every day and trained anyway, however I could. Sure, this may not have been smart, but it’s always been my way of being dedicated.

Two weeks ago, I continued to try to plow through workouts, thinking about the amount of weight I needed to lose that week. But at the end of the day, I’d be left feeling emptier and more broken than the days before. Ignoring the problem wasn't working.

I couldn't help but beat myself up over the fact that I couldn't work to my full potential. I couldn't do all the level 3 classes and be the athlete I’m used to being. The mental game I often brag about wasn't pulling through for me.

Three days ago, I started getting blinding headaches and my entire body hurt. I’ve been tired all the time and I’ve tried to put on a good face, but with a 101-degree fever and not being able to eat much, I’m just exhausted.

Then I got a text from Coach AJ, reminding me that I have been kicking ass for over four months day in and day out. Maybe I deserve a little rest. This is the journey I chose to be on, and I want to give it my all every single day. Perhaps what my journey needs the most is some R&R?

So I decided I need a break. A break away from the program that my mind is fixated on, the program that I’m obsessed with, the program that's changed my life in at least 100 positive ways. I decided to go home for 10 days. Unfortunately not to Michigan, but to my family’s farm in Alabama. The farm has always given me a certain peace. The cows in the pasture, the land to walk around on, and memories to last a lifetime.

Through my journey at Live In Fitness, I’ve learned its not about getting the fastest time on a workout, lifting the most weight, or even burning the most calories in a day. Its about being healthy, loving, and truly listening to your body.

 I’m putting my pride aside and allowing my body to rest. That way when I come back on May 23rd, I can come back refreshed and ready to roll. Until then you’ll find me walking, not running…stretching, not lifting, and probably laying around with ice and heating pads.

"Tough times don't last, tough people do."

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