Monday, May 25, 2015

What it Means to be Normal (5 MONTH PROGRESS PICS)

This week has been amazing; rest, recuperation, family, sleeping in, quality time with my favorite dog… It’s been exactly what I’ve needed.

Earlier this week I wrote about what I’m doing to stay on program, but what I haven’t told you is the way this week has made me feel.

For the longest time my “normal” consisted of struggling to get by in school, working in food service, lifting weights, eating fast food, and isolating myself.

I’ve always considered myself a fairly confident person, but during my last few months before LIFE, I found myself in a pool of self-loathing.

I didn't want to go anywhere, even church. I avoided places with people that knew me for a long time because I was ashamed of my constant roller coaster of weight loss and gain. It seemed like everyone had their shit together but me. High school friends were graduating college, getting married, and even having kids. There I was, struggling to find what I wanted in my future, living in my parents’ basement, and eating my life away.

Believe me, I was never happy with my situation but the problem was, I had no way to get out of it. Live in Fitness™ gave me that way out.

This week, normal has been enjoying shopping with my family, and even feeling good about what I tried on. It’s going for long walks and my feet not hurting. It’s going to a movie and not buying popcorn and candy. It’s eating for fuel, not comfort. It’s working out a couple hours a day, feeling good about yourself and then having the rest of the day to be happy. It’s throwing the ball with my dog outside in the sun, not binge watching Netflix alone in my room.

I have 4 more months at Live in Fitness™ and I’m so excited, because they are giving me my life back, the life I should experience, a happy one. Every pound I’ve lost has given me one more ounce of confidence. I don't know where I’ll be after this summer, but I won’t be sleeping my life away. I do know that I’ll be enjoying a free, active lifestyle filled with biking, running, friends, and sunshine.

Have a great week friends!
- E

Also, here are my 5 month progress pictures. The first was taken January 4th, the second March 30th, and the third May 25th!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

I’m Not at Live in Fitness™, But They’re Home with Me

Hey y’all,

Last week I mentioned taking a short vacation to give my body rest and recovery time. I was excited to get a break but was also scared to experience life in the real world, on my own, away from the accountability. The truth is, I was as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

What would it be like driving past fast food restaurants every day?
What would it be like preparing food for myself?
Where would I workout?
What would I do without Nick & AJ keeping me motivated?

Well, I am happy to report that I have survived the first four days. I’d be lying if I said it hasn't been hard.

In true Lizzy Cargile procrastination fashion, I wasn't able to get a food scale to bring home with me because I waited till the last day, and they were sold out! Oops…

But I’ve made do, it just takes me a LONG time to prepare each meal. I have to sit down about 30 minutes before and go through the nutrition labels, measuring everything out, adding it up to get my meals to equal 25g of carbs and 25g of protein. Let me tell you, it’s not easy, but it’s totally worth it! I have made everything: fish, chicken, quinoa, fresh veggies...even desserts and snacks. I have made things that I wouldn't have even thought of eating before I went to Live in Fitness™.

I wish I could say that fast food is no longer a temptation, but that wouldn't be true. It is still extremely hard to have the freedom to eat foods I know I shouldn’t, even knowing how bad they are for my body.

Case in point, a while back I screwed up and had McDonalds. After, this is what I wrote in my journal:

“Today I ate fast food. I’m laying here in bed. I feel like I’m going to puke. I feel awful and it wasn't worth it. It definitely wasn't worth the calories of TWO burpee nation classes. The flavor didn't last and the stomach ache has lasted so much longer.”

When I am tempted to eat fast food, I look back on this entry and try to reason with myself that it’s NOT worth it. It reminds me of something I learned at Live in Fitness™: I am stronger than my desire for food.

As for working out goes, that’s the easy part. I have talked to at least one of my coaches every day since I left, and their continued support, even away from the program, means the world to me.

Every day I have gone for a run and it feels amazing to find pleasure in something I used to not be able to do. It’s very freeing, especially on our beautiful farm.

All in all, my stay at Live in Fitness™ helped me have the confidence that I can be home and stay on a healthy path. It’s not easy and it never will be, but it is 100% possible! 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Push Yourself...But Don’t Push Too Hard

Two weeks ago, I hurt my back. I’m not really sure how and I cant pinpoint the moment that it happened, but slowly but surely, it became a big problem. 

I approach training in one way, hard. I’d say when it comes to working out, my mental game is my biggest strength. I don't like to quit and I don't like to slow down. When I have an injury, it’s hard for me to “take it easy.”

Last year when I was preparing for University Nationals, I got a stress fracture in my foot. I showed up every day and trained anyway, however I could. Sure, this may not have been smart, but it’s always been my way of being dedicated.

Two weeks ago, I continued to try to plow through workouts, thinking about the amount of weight I needed to lose that week. But at the end of the day, I’d be left feeling emptier and more broken than the days before. Ignoring the problem wasn't working.

I couldn't help but beat myself up over the fact that I couldn't work to my full potential. I couldn't do all the level 3 classes and be the athlete I’m used to being. The mental game I often brag about wasn't pulling through for me.

Three days ago, I started getting blinding headaches and my entire body hurt. I’ve been tired all the time and I’ve tried to put on a good face, but with a 101-degree fever and not being able to eat much, I’m just exhausted.

Then I got a text from Coach AJ, reminding me that I have been kicking ass for over four months day in and day out. Maybe I deserve a little rest. This is the journey I chose to be on, and I want to give it my all every single day. Perhaps what my journey needs the most is some R&R?

So I decided I need a break. A break away from the program that my mind is fixated on, the program that I’m obsessed with, the program that's changed my life in at least 100 positive ways. I decided to go home for 10 days. Unfortunately not to Michigan, but to my family’s farm in Alabama. The farm has always given me a certain peace. The cows in the pasture, the land to walk around on, and memories to last a lifetime.

Through my journey at Live In Fitness, I’ve learned its not about getting the fastest time on a workout, lifting the most weight, or even burning the most calories in a day. Its about being healthy, loving, and truly listening to your body.

 I’m putting my pride aside and allowing my body to rest. That way when I come back on May 23rd, I can come back refreshed and ready to roll. Until then you’ll find me walking, not running…stretching, not lifting, and probably laying around with ice and heating pads.

"Tough times don't last, tough people do."

Friday, May 1, 2015

Moving Weight

Hey Yall!

Whenever I’m having trouble coming up with topics to write about, my brain automatically switches to… “Talk about something you’re passionate about.” For the most part, that narrows my subjects down to Jesus, football and weightlifting. Today, I think I’ll go with weightlifting.

As most of you all know, weightlifting was a HUGE part of my life prior to Live In Fitness™. I fell in love with barbells and heavy weights about two years ago when I stepped into CrossFit Glory. Since then, it’s been an amazing journey that landed me at the University National Championships in Albuquerque, a small stepping stone with the potential to do even more.

Then a switch flipped in my head — I had to seriously lose weight, and I had to do it NOW. So just like that, weightlifting was forced to the back of my mind.

The discipline from my time spent under the bar has really helped me here at Live in Fitness™. In weightlifting we spend more time doing accessory work than actually seeing results and hitting personal records. Here, we have to put in work all week long, physically, mentally, and with our nutrition, and that’s what creates results.

Some days I miss lifting more than others. My Instagram page is still full of badass lifters that I follow on a daily basis. Some days I find myself perusing through qualifying totals and upcoming meets and other days the thought of competing doesn't even cross my mind. Right now, I know I’m exactly where I need to be.

 But here comes the question that everyone is asking me: “Is lifting a part of my past or future?”

The honest to God answer is… I have absolutely no idea.

My coach Nick has been awesome enough to incorporate a little lifting into my weekly schedule for about an hour and a half on Thursday mornings. Compared to what I used to do, that's nothing, but he knows as well as I do, that lifting is my safe haven. It rejuvenates me and makes me feel like I can do anything. It empowers me to be strong and brave throughout whatever journey I’m on.

But for now, my focus is on losing weight, not lifting it. All I know is, whether I’m stepping on the platform or the scale, anything is possible.