The CrossFit Open has come to a close and the shock of the WODs have finally worn off. Honestly, I was disappointed in my first CrossFit open experience. I'm excited to get back to my normal workout routine and not have to worry about what was coming every Friday.
Coming in last is nothing new to me. Ever since I started CrossFit, I knew winning would be a struggle. I knew even keeping up at my own box would be difficult. There is always someone stronger, someone faster, people that are good at gymnastics, and people that are good at lifting.
While the CrossFit Open provides us with a great deal of community and camaraderie, the biggest frustration that I had, is the negativity that it instilled in beginners.
CrossFit is the kind of community that supports the person that comes in last place, just as much as the person who comes in first. In fact, the cheers are often louder for those who are at the end of the race.
While that's all great, I know better than anyone, you are your own worst enemy. What do you do when your mindset is your biggest obstacle? Being the worst isn't easy. I can't count how many emails I got from novice CrossFitters, filled with discouragement that they could not finish a workout and scored a 0. I'm in no way saying that the Open workouts should have been easier, because after all it is a competition to find the fittest person in the world. But what do you do when you're faced with failure?
Over and over again I found myself facing movements that I couldn't do. Honestly, I didn't get too down on myself. I know how far I've come and I know how much further I am able to go. The biggest frustration I faced was in 14.5, a WOD composed of thrusters and burpees, both movements that I can do. 20 minutes into the workout, my coach called it, I was limping through the whole thing, my knee was seriously ready to give out. I know that injuring yourself isn't worth one good score but it was still disappointing.
So again I ask, what do you do when you're the worst?
First of all, you gotta hang in there. There is nothing sadder than seeing someone quit CrossFit after a few weeks because they can't keep up. CrossFit is for everyone, scalable for everyone. Quitting is the easy way out, an automatic loss, and definitely won't help you reach your goals.

Next, change your focus. Spend extra time in improving the areas you aren't good at. This week I have worked with my coach, Justin, every day on the rower. I HATE it. But it's one sure way to improve my cardio. While, making strides to improve on your weaknesses, it's also important to not neglect what you're already good at. Weightlifting is my passion and it's important for me to spend time doing what makes me happy. If you're feeling discouraged, spend some time revisiting the reasons you love CrossFit.
Finally, my biggest recommendation is coming up with your own definition of winning. Whether that's lifting 5 more pounds than a month earlier or just finishing a workout, both are progress. Maybe it's moving down a band in assisted pull-ups. The longer you hang in there, the better you will get. You may never be the best, but one day you won't be the worst.
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