First and foremost, I've made a lot of progress in the past few weeks. Really stepping up the intensity and trying my hardest to knock this weight off. Not only have I seen progress on the scale, but in the way my clothes fit too!
If a WOD leads me to write a blog, you know it was a tough one. Something that I've learned recently is if you show up to the box already defeated, you'll definitely lose. If you don't show up with the right mindset to work, you won't get anything out of it. Tonight was just one of those days...

But I showed up, regardless of my excuses. As always, we started off with a row. I did 10 rounds of 30 seconds max effort pulls, 15 seconds rest. If that makes sense, you know it's easy. But tonight it wasn't. It wasn't that it was physically challenging, it was mentally challenging. I was mad at myself that I didn't eat as well as I could have this week. Which led me to be mad that I didn't eat as well as I should have my WHOLE LIFE. Which led me to be mad that I quit tennis. If you've kept up with my blogs, you know that this is my personal lowest of lows. So basically, it was a downward spiral. It left me being angry that I have a knee injury and that I can't do anything about it. At least that's how I felt.

In the final workout, we did 6 rounds of 300m rows, with 1:30 slam balls as a "break." First of all, whoever thought of slam balls, is my worst enemy. I was mad, just mad that I had to do more work, and mad about all the things that I mentioned before. Thankfully, it turned around when something that my coach said, really stuck out to me. For those of you who don't know, I've recently began working with Justin, a trainer and a friend, at my box.
"Just remember why you're doing this. Just remember your goal."
This is something that Justin is constantly reminding me of, but tonight, I especially needed it. I was so hung up on why I got to where I am and not where I am going. I've worked so hard in CrossFit to get here and sometimes I neglect to remember that.
I've said this a million times and I'll say it a million more but thing I love most about CrossFit, is the support you get from those that surround you. Whether they have faced a similar journey or had a total different experience, CrossFit has a special way of unifying us as one.

In addition to the positive affect on my journey, he puts so much time and effort into his programming and has really personalized it to my needs. Always coming up with new ideas to keep me interested, engaged, and challenged. But whether I like it or not, they almost always include rowing!
Basically I just want to say thank you Justin for being such a great coach and getting me where I am right now. Can't wait to see where we are in 6 months! And I know, I know, it's up to me.
If I didn't mention it before, another reason Justin is the best coach ever is because he has the most ADORABLE baby ever. And if you read this far, you get to see the cutest baby in the world. Congratulations.
But really...
Have a good night guys (:
Other things to check out:
My post about tennis:
Justin's blog:
Awesome post! I need a coach like that! Keep up the good work.