THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all the birthday wishes. You folks never cease to amaze me (: Todays post is short, but there's a point in every year where I sit around and think about the things I should have done, could have done, or wish I could do. So this year I decided to make a list of 22 things I want to do or goals I want to reach while I'm 22 (: Some are simple while others will take a bit of planning and a few will take lots of training. I only allowed half of these things to be fitness related.
1. Run a 5K
2. Attend 4 cultural events
3. Have my blog host over 40,000 viewers

5. Compete in 5 CrossFit Competitions
6. Clean 200lbs
7. Write 22 hand written letters
8. Not eat ANY fast food (excluding Subway)
9. Go to Las Vegas
10. Blog 5 times a month.
11. Stay current on world events
12. Back squat 320lbs.
13. Deadlift 400lbs
14. Do a pull up with 1 green band or lower.
15. Paint 4 paintings
16. Run a mile under 10 minutes
17. Watch Star Wars
18. DO a handstand
19. Save $22 a month - and buy something as a birthday present next year.
20. Visit New York City
21. Get my CrossFit Level 1
22. Make As and Bs in all my classes.
Some of these are going to be hard, but I'm excited! Thanks again for the birthday wishes!
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