Last week marked 6 months since I walked into CrossFit Glory. This was something that I knew I wanted, but I never knew just how much it would change my life. On May 27th when I just came to check it out, a VERY fit guy, told me it would be "one of the best decisions of my life." This was Tony B & those are words I'll never forget.
When I joined CrossFit I had so many goals. Here is a list that I made shortly after joining.
Run a mile
Lift 100 pounds
Learn to snatch
Lose 20 pounds
These seem awfully silly to me now, but they were goals. Losing weight quickly shifted to the back of my mind and lifting weight was front and center. Fast forward 6 months...
Yesterday, I shattered a goal that I always assumed would be an "ending point." I don't personally know any girl that can deadlift over 330 pounds, why would I be any different? But I am. Yesterday, I hit a 345 pound deadlift. It was my proudest moment in CrossFit. I remember thinking midlift, "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING." As exciting as reaching a goal can be, sometimes the idea of it ending is bittersweet.
After the girls from other boxes picked their jaws up off the ground, one asked me what my next deadlift goal was... Huh, the simple answer would be #350. (When you get to weights this high, small goals are ideal). But that wasn't my answer. I said my new goal is nothing to do with a deadlift, or any olympic lift. My new goal is a goal that I've revisited for the last 10 years of my life. Losing weight.
My CrossFit journey isn't over. In fact, this is the only thing I can come up with that will make me a better CrossFit athlete. Tomorrow, I start a new 6 month journey with the help of a support system of a nutritionist, exercise therapist, and a coach. I'm beginning a 6 month diet plan made up of hot meals, replacement bars, and protein shakes. Thankfully, I've been cleared to continue with CrossFit but I'm fully prepared to see some losses in my strength.

If I can do 6 months of something as hard as CrossFit, I can shatter my goal of losing 80 pounds these next 6 months, too.
My friend texted me today and asked "If you reached your goal YESTERDAY and your new goal starts TOMORROW, what are you going to do TODAY?" Good question... But I couldn't imagine doing anything but the one thing I truly love, lifting.
Here's to the next 6 months. Hang on folks, It's gonna be quite the ride.
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